Investing for beginners in the UK (part 2): Boost your trading skills

Learn some key definitions, the tools available and how to analyse stocks to enhance your investment knowledge. Missed part 1? Hit "4 steps to help you get started" at the top of the page.

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There’s a wealth of terminology in share trading that you’ve got to get your head around when learning about investing. Here are some of the key ones you might come across when investing, so you’ll be up to speed and looking like a pro in no time.

Investment types

Shares aren’t the only things you can invest in — you can buy gold, soybeans, oil and bonds. There are also several types of shares, including pink sheets, penny stocks, blue chip stocks and fractional shares. Here are some of the different things you can invest in.


Stock analysis lets you effectively monitor share performance — this helps you work out if stocks are under- or overvalued and understand annual reports. These guides help you strategise and monitor shares.

Investment tax and tax-free accounts

Nobody likes paying tax. Luckily, there are plenty of account types with tax-free allowances. These account types are called “tax wrappers”. Here’s more information about investment tax and some of the accounts that you can use.


Investment tools can be really helpful when learning how to invest — you’ll want to know the different types of order, how stock charts can be used and how to practise more complex investment types and strategies.

Useful investment guides

Want to know more about stock exchanges, which companies you can invest in and whether you need investment advice? We answer all of these questions in our general investment guides below.

All investing should be regarded as longer term. The value of your investments can go up and down, and you may get back less than you invest. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. If you’re not sure which investments are right for you, please seek out a financial adviser. Capital at risk.

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