Weekly car insurance

If you only need car insurance for a week or 2, weekly car insurance could be the answer.

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Whether your car is in for repairs and you’re borrowing a friend’s temporarily, or you want to cover that awkward period between your annual policy ending and selling your car, you might be looking for a weekly car insurance policy.

In this guide we look at what weekly car insurance is, who might need it and whether it’s actually any good. So when it comes to comparing different weekly policies, the process shouldn’t drive you up the wall.

What is weekly car insurance?

Weekly car insurance is a form of temporary car insurance, which can provide cover for anything between 1 hour and 28 days.

The weekly option does exactly what it says on the tin – you will have car insurance for a week (or 2 or 3), rather than just for an hour, a day, or for the whole month.

How do I get weekly car insurance?

You can buy weekly car insurance in the same way as any other car insurance policy. Simply shop around using a comparison site and look for the best level of cover at the best price.

To get a quote, you’ll usually need to provide the following:

  • Personal details (address and date of birth, for example).
  • Government-approved photo ID, such as your passport or driving licence (or a photocopy of one).
  • Declaration of all driving incidents you’ve been involved in.
  • Permission from the owner of the vehicle.
  • The date and time you’d like your cover to start.
  • Details of the vehicle you’d like to insure.

When should I get weekly car insurance?

Weekly car insurance could be a suitable option in the following situations:

  • Shared driving. If you’re driving with your family to see a relative, or heading on holiday with friends, you might want to share a car to keep fuel costs down. Getting weekly car insurance can be cheaper than being added as a named driver to someone else’s annual policy.
  • Borrowing a car. If you need to borrow a friend’s car while yours is being repaired, or you’re borrowing your parents’ car while you’re home from uni, weekly car insurance is easy to buy and affordable.
  • Going to a car rally. For any car enthusiasts out there, a weekly policy could cover you while you take your classic car to a rally.
  • Moving house. If you’re moving house and looking to borrow a car or van from a friend or family member to shift your belongings, weekly car insurance can come in handy.
  • Buying a new car. If you’ve bought a new car and don’t have sufficient time to find annual cover right away, a weekly insurance policy might be the best option.
  • Selling a car. A weekly policy could also cover the period between your annual policy ending and selling your car. Alternatively, if you are not planning to use your car at all before it is sold, you may prefer to get a Statutory Off Road Notice from the DVLA.

How much does weekly car insurance cost?

As with any type of car insurance policy, the price you pay for cover will depend on a range of factors such as:

  • Your age
  • Your driving history
  • The type of car you’re insuring
  • Where you live

When compared with other short term cover options, weekly car insurance can be good value for money. However, if you only need cover for a couple of hours or a day or 2, you’re probably better off getting an hourly or daily policy.

Ultimately, short term car insurance is a quick-fix insurance solution. If you think you’ll need temporary insurance for a month or longer, it might be more cost-effective to buy an annual policy and then cancel it at a later date. This is because when you break it down into daily costs, temporary car insurance is more expensive than annual policies.

However, before making your decision, it’s worth factoring in any cancellation fees that could be incurred if you had to cancel your annual cover mid-policy.

What does it cover?

Much like other temporary policies, weekly car insurance is generally less flexible than an annual policy. This means you’ll usually only be able to take out fully comprehensive cover and you won’t have the option of choosing between comprehensive, third party, or third party, fire and theft coverage, as you would with annual insurance.

However, the benefit of this is that you should be covered for any damage to your car and any necessary repair work, as well as the loss of your car due to theft or fire.

If you’re borrowing someone else’s car, weekly car insurance has the advantage that the car owner’s no-claim bonus will not be affected if you’re involved in an accident. Similarly, if you have a no claim bonus on a regular policy, this will be left intact if you have to claim for an accident on your weekly car insurance while driving another vehicle.

What does it not cover?

When comparing weekly car insurance it’s important to check for exclusions. Some insurers won’t provide cover for certain vehicles, such as:

  • Any vehicle that is not a car or van.
  • Vehicles over a certain age.
  • Cars that have been modified in any way.
  • Vehicles that have a high value – your insurer will usually set an upper limit so be sure to check.

Your insurer may also refuse to pay out if your vehicle is damaged or stolen as a result of you leaving the keys in the ignition, or if the car is driven by someone not named on the policy.

Who is eligible for weekly car insurance?

To get weekly car insurance you will usually need to be between the age of 17 and 75, though this will depend on the insurer. Some insurance providers may exclude drivers under the age of 25 or those over the age of 65, so always check carefully.

You may also need to have been a permanent UK resident for the past 12 months or a British expatriate. Some insurers will provide cover if you have a licence from the EU, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or Switzerland.

You may find it harder to get weekly car insurance if you have points on your licence or other criminal convictions.

How can I save on my weekly car insurance?

The best way to cut costs on weekly car insurance is to shop around. By comparing the different companies out there you can find the best quote for you. Here’s a breakdown of the steps you should take.

  • Compare quotes. If you’ve already got a car insurance policy it’s worth contacting your existing provider to find out how much it would cost to get additional cover. After that, you can compare this side by side with weekly insurance quotes. You can easily get these from insurance companies’ websites.
  • Haggle with your existing provider. You might be able to get your existing car insurance provider to drop the price if you state that you’ve found a lower quote elsewhere.
  • Consider your coverage needs. Consider whether you really need insurance for a whole week. If you don’t, it could be cheaper to take out hourly or daily car insurance instead.

Pros and cons of weekly car insurance


  • It can be a cheap and convenient way of getting cover for a short period of time.
  • Making a claim won’t affect any no claim discount built up on an annual policy.
  • Cover can begin instantly.


  • If you end up needing cover for longer than a week or 2, weekly car insurance can become expensive.
  • Some policies may come with age restrictions.

Bottom line

Weekly car insurance can be a convenient option if you only need to use a car for a week or 2. Cover can start straight away and it can be less hassle and cheaper than taking out an annual policy.

Frequently asked questions

Finder survey: What proportion of Brits would consider upgrading their car to have a new exhaust?

New exhaust19.84%10.69%
Source: Finder survey by Censuswide of 1032 Brits, December 2023
The offers compared on this page are chosen from a range of products we can track; we don't cover every product on the market...yet. Unless we've indicated otherwise, products are shown in no particular order or ranking. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations), aren't product ratings, although we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it; this is subject to our terms of use. When making a big financial decision, it's wise to consider getting independent financial advice, and always consider your own financial circumstances when comparing products so you get what's right for you. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables has the source: Moneyfacts Group PLC. In other cases, Finder has sourced data directly from providers.
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Rachel Wait is a freelance journalist and has been writing about personal finance for more than a decade, covering everything from insurance to mortgages. She has written for a range of personal finance websites and national newspapers, including The Observer, The Mail on Sunday, The Sun and the Evening Standard. Rachel is a keen baker in her spare time. See full bio

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