
BMW X4 insurance group and cost

Compare car insurance costs for BMW X4 models by insurance group, age and location.

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BMW released the X4 model in 2014. The X4 shares many similarities with BMW’s older X3 model, but was established in part to marry BMW’s reputation for comfort and efficiency with the excitement and dynamism offered by competitors, in particular Porsche.

The X4 is a balance of power and comfort. Read on to find out what insuring an X4 would look like and how you can save on your premiums.

BMW X4 insurance cost by driver’s age

Model / Version Group (1-50) Age 20yrs Age 30yrs Age 40yrs Age 50yrs Link
xDrive20d M Sport X (Plus Package and Technology Package) auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport X (Plus Package) auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport X (Technology Package) auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport X auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport X (Plus Package and Technology Package) Sport Automatic 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport X (Plus Package) Sport Automatic 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport X (Technology Package) Sport Automatic 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport X Step auto 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
M Competition M Steptronic auto 5d 46 £16,405 £1,797 £1,691 £1,592 Get Quote
xDrive20d Sport auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive30d Sport Step auto 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
M40d Sport Automatic 5d 45 £17,674 £2,690 £2,159 £1,869 Get Quote
M40i Sport Automatic 5d 43 £3,056 £1,203 £1,167 £1,108 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport (Plus Package and Technology Package) auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport (Plus Package) auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport (Technology Package) auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport auto 5d 32 £4,346 £908 £830 £773 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport (Plus Package and Technology Package) Sport Automatic 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport (Plus Package) Sport Automatic 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport (Technology Package) Sport Automatic 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport Step auto 5d 41 £13,589 £1,776 £1,427 £1,201 Get Quote
xDrive20d SE 5d 31 £4,579 £934 £849 £705 Get Quote
xDrive20d SE 5d Step Auto 31 £4,579 £934 £849 £705 Get Quote
xDrive20d xLine 5d 31 £4,579 £934 £849 £705 Get Quote
xDrive20d xLine 5d Step Auto 31 £4,579 £934 £849 £705 Get Quote
xDrive30d xLine 5d Step Auto 40 £20,469 £2,005 £1,813 £1,527 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport 5d 31 £4,579 £934 £849 £705 Get Quote
xDrive20d M Sport 5d Step Auto 31 £4,579 £934 £849 £705 Get Quote
xDrive30d M Sport 5d 40 £20,469 £2,005 £1,813 £1,527 Get Quote
xDrive35d M Sport 5d Step Auto 43 £3,056 £1,203 £1,167 £1,108 Get Quote

Average insurance rates for the BMW X4

Our research on the X4 model indicates that in order to keep the car sufficiently insured, you can expect to pay £59.92 each month. This is only slightly higher than the insurance rates offered for the X4’s ‘older brother’, the X3. If you’d rather pay in a single annual sum, that would cost you an average total of £654.57 every year.

We used the following information as a base from which to launch our insurance inquiries:

  • Driver was a thirty-year-old male teacher from Exeter.
  • Factory standard alarm/immobiliser technology.
  • Five years no-claims bonus.
  • An average of 10,000 miles driven per year.
  • This was the only car belonging to the driver.
  • Used for social, domestic, and commuting reasons.
  • Car parked in a driveway overnight.
  • We identified the car as a 2018 model BMW X4 in all quotes.
  • Comprehensive insurance.

How can I save on my premiums?

We’ve compiled a list of some of the main offenders when it comes to varying your insurance premiums. Whilst some are not factors that can be changed easily to bring down your cost, others are minor fixes that might save you money on your car insurance.

  • Pay annually. Paying for your insurance in monthly instalments is actually more expensive overall than if you were to pay an annual sum. While we of course acknowledge that this may not be financially viable for some drivers, to do so could save you an average of £64.51 ever year.
  • Named drivers. Only name drivers on the insurance policy that regularly drive the vehicle, you can easily add on others at a later date.
  • Clear out the garage. If you have a garage – clear it out and park your car there! Parking your car in a garage reduces your risk to insurers and therefore reduces your premiums too.
  • Driver details. Factors that affect your insurance rates, but are impossible or difficult to amend, include the driver’s age, sex, marital status, and geographical location.
  • Clean driving record. Insurance companies will likely offer better deals on premiums to drivers they deem less-risky on the roads and a more a stable investment. You can help your case by maintaining a good credit report, keeping your no-claims discount, and avoiding conviction for traffic offences (the most common of which is speeding).
  • Safety features. Do a bit of research (or see below!) about what safety features are available on the X4. The extra money used to invest in additional security or safety measures can be treated as an investment that will save you money on your insurance.
  • Mileage.Try to keep your annual mileage in line with the national average, 10,000 miles per year. Insurance companies will not penalise for driving more, but they may offer higher premiums.

Facts about the BMW X4

  • The X4 was first revealed, to acclaim, at the Auto Shanghai convention in 2013.
  • The X4 range begins at approximately £43,000 in the UK.
  • Whilst there are various types of X4 available, the X4 M40i variant will allegedly do 0-60mph in just 4.6 seconds.

Bottom line

The BMW X4 offers everything you could possibly want from a luxury SUV. With the size, power and luxury of this vehicle, you can expect to pay a lot for insurance. Nevertheless, the tips in this guide will help you to keep the costs of your premiums down.

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The offers compared on this page are chosen from a range of products we can track; we don't cover every product on the market...yet. Unless we've indicated otherwise, products are shown in no particular order or ranking. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations), aren't product ratings, although we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it; this is subject to our terms of use. When making a big financial decision, it's wise to consider getting independent financial advice, and always consider your own financial circumstances when comparing products so you get what's right for you. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables has the source: Moneyfacts Group PLC. In other cases, Finder has sourced data directly from providers.
*Based on data provided by Consumer Intelligence Ltd, www.consumerintelligence.com (July ’24). 51% of car insurance customers could save £523.17
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Danny is a publisher at Finder specialising in insurance and investing. He previously worked at the global insurer Aon and has appeared in national media giving advice on insurance. Danny holds a BA in International Business from the University of Plymouth and has undying loyalty to his average-poor football team, Portsmouth FC. See full bio

Danny's expertise
Danny has written 327 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Car, home and business insurance
  • Helping people save money on their insurance
  • Project management
  • Giving valuable insights to website visitors

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