Approval for any credit card depends on your status. The representative APRs shown represent the interest rate offered to most successful applicants. Depending on your personal circumstances, the APR you're offered may be higher, or you may not be offered credit at all. Fees and rates are subject to change without notice. It's always wise to check the terms of any deal before you borrow. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables is provided by Moneyfacts.
Bits is a credit building subscription service with a store credit card. Until recently, you couldn’t make purchases using your Bits credit card. Now you can… but only in the Bits store. What you can do is build your credit score *ahem* bit-by-bit, in return for a monthly fee that you won’t get back.
What is Bits?
Put simply, Bits is one of a handful of new services (including LOQBOX and Pave) that effectively let you buy your way to better credit.
In its own words, Bits describes its credit building service as a “digital store credit card” designed to help you build or improve your credit rating without the risk of accruing credit card debt. Unlike regular credit-builder credit cards, the Bits card is digital-only and can’t be used to make purchases (outside of Bits’ own web store – with it’s small selection of partner brands) or to get cash advances.
It’s easier to think of it as less of a credit card and more of a credit-building tool. If no card issuers will approve you for a card today or if you can get approved for a card but only with a high interest rate, the idea is that by using Bits, you’ll boost your chances of getting approved in the future.
Not sure if you need to boost your credit score? Check yours for free.
How does Bits work?
Each month, Bits charges a subscription fee to your account, and then automatically uses your subscription payment to pay off that fee. While this sounds counter-productive, the key is that this fixed amount is treated like a regular monthly credit payment, which Bits then reports to Experian, Equifax and Transunion.
By paying off this “debt” in full each month, you’ll be demonstrating your creditworthiness to potential lenders, which is then recorded on your credit history.
After a few months, you should start to see your credit score improve, provided you aren’t applying for other credit and are paying off any other bills you have.
You can track your card status and payment schedule using the Bits app, and then track changes in your Experian credit score for free.
Bits is a digital card, so you won’t receive a physical card and you’ll instead manage your account via the Bits app. You also won’t be able to use Bits to borrow money, get a cash advance or pay for purchases. It’s only intended to be a tool for those looking for a straightforward way to improve their credit score.
How much does Bits cost?
Subscription starts from £6 a month. These payments you make are treated as credit card repayments, and provided you don’t do anything elsewhere to damage your credit score at the same time, should start to boost your credit score. The larger the monthly fee, the greater the likely benefit to your credit score.
The fees are non-refundable and aren’t returned to you when you cancel your account.
The Bits card doesn’t work as a regular credit card, so you won’t be charged interest and won’t pay any ongoing or annual fees.
How long will it take for Bits to improve my credit score?
Bits states that you’ll start to see it showing up in your credit file within 6-8 weeks from signing-up. Once you’ve made 2-3 monthly payments on time and in full, you should see your score start to increase. However, other factors influence your credit score – so if you make all your Bits payments on time but default on a separate loan, for example, then your credit score may decrease.
Is the Bits card right for me?
It’s hard to see how Bits could be right for anybody.
If you struggle to get approved for credit products (or if you can get approved but only get offered terrible rates), then signing up to Bits and letting it run for a while could boost your chances of approval and help you access lower rates.
If you’re looking to improve your credit score, but also want the benefits of a normal credit card, you’ll want to compare credit-builder cards.
However, Bits isn’t the only service around that effectively offers credit building without the credit, and there are also other steps you can take to help your credit score.
Pros and cons of Bits
Unfortunately there are a lot of “Buts” with Bits.
What’s good about Bits?
- A straightforward way to build your credit score with the main credit reference agencies.
- Easy to apply and manage in the app.
- Although you can’t use your card to pay in physical stores, you could opt to purchase a gift card through the Bits web store.
- Reduced risk of getting into serious debt.
- You could get your rent payments reported to Equifax to boost your score further.
What’s not so good about Bits?
- A monthly fee that’s non-refundable.
- Can’t be widely used as, erm… a credit card.
- Any missed payments will hurt your credit score.
- Not a regulated credit product.
- No Section 75 purchase protection.
- The Bits store currently features quite a limited range of brands to shop with… but then that’s not really what this product is about.
- Some unhappy customers who didn’t understand what they were getting into.
- Cagey and confusing.
What can I do in the Bits app?
The Bits app is the easiest way to manage your Bits card. As you don’t get the features of a regular credit card, the Bits app is relatively limited, but you can use it to track and manage your monthly payments (changing the date if you need to), update your billing details and address, and cancel your card.
You’ll also be able to access the Bits store via the app, where you’ll have a store credit limit that’s proportional to (12x) your monthly subscription amount. So if you’re on the £4 per month Basic plan, you might opt to borrow and spend up to £48 through the store (although you do have to pay half of each purchase up front).
Bits has partnered with a selection of retailers – some well known (including ASOS, Boohoo, Nike and JustEat), and some less so.
Is Bits credit legit?
Bits is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (registration number ZA507202). It uses Stripe to take monthly payments, and Plaid for read-only access to your bank account if you opt for rent reporting. Bits states that it is not a regulated credit product, and does not offer Section 75 purchase protection.
You can’t use the Bits credit card as a traditional credit card outside of the Bits web store, which in theory means there’s less risk of both fraud or accruing credit card debt.
Bits is the brainchild of Faisal Khalid who founded it in 2019. He launched the tool after moving to the UK from the US and being frustrated by a thin UK credit file holding him back.
How do I apply for Bits?
You can register in the Bits app, which you can download in the App Store or Google Play. It takes about five minutes.
Unlike most credit cards, the Bits card has very simple eligibility criteria, and you won’t need to pass a hard credit check or meet a lender’s financial requirements to be approved.
To apply for a Bits credit card, you’ll just need to provide the following information:
- Name and date of birth
- Email address
- Mobile number
- Address
- Bank card details
Bits says you shouldn’t apply if you’ve had an IVA, CCJ or been bankrupt in the last 6 months. It also says you shouldn’t apply if you’re currently struggling with debt.
How do I cancel Bits?
If you change your mind at any point, email Alternatively you can Whatsapp Bits from the app.
Is Bits any good?
The idea of paying £40 per month, for example, just to improve your Experian and TransUnion credit score is likely to put most people off. In the field of pay-monthly credit score boosters, Bits is going head-to-head with the likes of LOQBOX, which eventually returns your subscription fees to you, so this could be a fatal flaw in its business model.
Bits’ 2021 addition of a new feature that lets your rent payments contribute towards your credit score (an idea pioneered by fintechs such as CreditLadder) is a smart move. Alongside the monthly subscription payment, this feature could have meant that Bits would benefit your credit score more than its rivals.
Bits customer reviews
Bits has a “excellent” rating of 4.3 on review site Trustpilot based on over 1,100 reviews (updated May 2024). Customers praise Bits’ innovation and customer services team.
Alternatives to Bits
Firstly, you should get to know your credit score and read our tips on improving it (some are very quick and easy).
Other credit-boosting tools
Like Bits, LOQBOX offers an alternative to those looking to build their credit score. LOQBOX is a hybrid savings and credit account that lets you make a monthly deposit from £20 to £200, which is then treated as a credit repayment for the purposes of your credit rating. The big difference with LOQBOX is that, after an agreed term, you get your monthly fees returned to you. LOQBOX appears on your credit file as a small loan, while Bits appears as a store card.
Meanwhile, CreditLadder is a free service that allows you to have your rent payments recorded in your Experian or Equifax credit report (similar to the Bits “Rent reporting” service).
Credit builder credit cards
Provided you could get approved, would use the card responsibly (staying within your limit and making payments on time) and would pay your balance off in full each month, a credit card might be a better bet.
Credit builder credit cards are suitable for those with bad credit but still looking to get a credit card. By successfully managing your credit account, you’ll demonstrate your responsibility as a borrower and eventually be eligible for credit cards with better rates, terms and benefits.
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