Approval for any credit card depends on your status. The representative APRs shown represent the interest rate offered to most successful applicants. Depending on your personal circumstances, the APR you're offered may be higher, or you may not be offered credit at all. Fees and rates are subject to change without notice. It's always wise to check the terms of any deal before you borrow. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables is provided by Moneyfacts.
Compare Vanquis credit cards
What is Vanquis Bank?
Vanquis Bank is part of the Provident Financial Group, a lender established way back in 1880. It aims to offer borrowers with bad credit a chance to rebuild their credit score and get in control of their finances.
Vanquis Bank credit cards are issued on the Visa network, so they’re accepted in more than 20 million locations worldwide.
What are credit builder credit cards?
Vanquis credit cards are specifically-designed for those looking to rebuild their credit score.
If you have no credit history, or are in the process of building your credit score, credit cards like those issued by Vanquis may be for you. Credit builder credit cards are generally easier to get approved for than other types of card, and are designed to help you prove your credit-worthiness so that you can qualify for better deals later. As you prove that you can meet repayments reliably, your credit limit can be reviewed and increased. Vanquis provides credit building videos, infographics and advice for their customers on how to effectively manage their money and build up a credit score.
What is a soft search?
A “soft search” allows lenders to check your eligibility for credit without affecting your credit score. Vanquis uses a “soft credit search” to check your eligibility and tell you whether your application for a Vanquis Card would be successful before you apply.
Can I add an additional cardholder to my account?
Yes, you can apply to add an additional card holder if your account has been open for at least 6 months, you have a credit limit of at least £500 and your account has been well maintained. You will also need to have their consent to give Vanquis their details. You will be responsible for the card and how it’s used, including all transactions. Please refer to the terms and conditions for more information.
The benefits of Vanquis Bank
There are several benefits attached with being a Vanquis Bank customer, such as:
- A friendly UK customer service call centre. Vanquis Bank offers reliable support when you need it. Its UK customer service agents are available from 8:30am – 7pm on Monday – Friday, and 9am – 4pm on Saturdays.
- Global acceptance. Because these are Visa cards, they’re accepted in a huge number of locations worldwide.
- A simple online credit card application process. It’s easy to apply for a Vanquis credit card online. Vanquis will confirm receipt of your application within 60 seconds, and in certain cases you may even receive a decision within 60 seconds.
- Flexible repayment options. Life is unpredictable at the best of times. That’s why these cards give you the flexibility to budget, in order to pay off what you can afford each month.
How to apply for a Vanquis credit card
It’s straightforward to apply online for a Vanquis card. As you’d expect, you’ll be asked to provide information on your finances and requirements.
Eligibility requirements
There are basic eligibility requirements you’ll need to meet to apply for a Vanquis credit card:
- You are aged 18 years or over
- You have a permanent UK home address
The Vanquis site offers an “Express check” where you can find out in about 2 minutes whether you’re likely to be eligible for a Vanquis credit card, without affecting your credit score adversely. If you’re interested in a Vanquis card, this is the smart place to start your journey.
Why might you not be approved?
In considering your application, Vanquis will take into account your financial circumstances – looking at your credit stability and ability to pay – to establish the appropriate level of credit. Applications are considered on merit and Vanquis will still consider you if you’ve been turned down in the past.
Vanquis Bank customer reviews
Vanquis Bank scored very highly in our 2024 customer satisfaction survey, with 96% of its credit card customers saying that they’d recommend the brand to a friend. Several customers stated that they found the card “easy to use” and many cited good customer service. One customer also commented: “When I found myself in financial difficulty, they were quick to help with no judgement.”
On Trustpilot, the Vanquis Bank as a whole received a strong score of 4.3 out of 5, with customers again highlighting their positive experiences in terms of customer service (updated February 2024).
Customer support
To contact customer support you can use the Vanquis App chat function which is available 24/7. Or alternatively, you can ring 0330 099 3000.
Frequently asked questions
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