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Savings calculator: How much interest will you get?

Use a savings account calculator to see how much interest you can earn with your high-yield savings account.

If you’re saving for a specific goal, like a down payment for a house or the price of a round-the-world vacation, use a savings calculator to calculate how much you need to set aside each month to reach your goal. By entering a few details, you can easily figure out how much you can save for up to 40 years.

How do I use the savings calculator?

Calculate your earnings power in six steps.

  1. Enter your initial deposit amount. You’ll make this one-time deposit into the account when you open it. Enter 0 if you’re starting from scratch.
  2. Enter your ongoing deposit amount. Type the amount you will regularly deposit into your account.
  3. Choose your payment frequency. Making regular payments into your account is an excellent way to boost your savings balance. Choose from weekly, biweekly or monthly payments.
  4. Enter the interest rate. Enter the amount of interest you suspect to earn in your account.
  5. Select your length of time. How long will you be putting away money in your savings account? Choose terms from 1 to 40 years. Calculate your savings using different lengths of time to see how your daily interest builds over time.
  6. Hit calculate. The savings calculator crunches the numbers and tells you the total amount you’ll save, your total deposits and interest.

What’s the difference between a simple and compound interest calculator?

A simple interest calculator calculates the interest you’ll earn on your principal over a period of time. The amount of simple interest doesn’t change.

On the other hand, a compound interest calculator takes into account your principal balance and any interest you’ve accumulated previously. The calculator takes your earned interest and reinvests it by adding it to your principal before calculating the next interest period. An account that compounds daily helps grow your funds especially fast and is worth seeking out over monthly or annual compounding.

How to calculate interest on your savings account

Calculating compound interest is complicated. You’ll save a lot of time by using an online calculator. But if you want to do it by hand, here’s the equation:

[A = P(1 + {rover n})^{nt}]

Here’s a deeper look at what each of these variables mean:

  • P is your principal balance or initial deposit amount.
  • r is your account’s interest rate, written as a decimal. So if your APY is 1%, r is 0.01.
  • n is the number of times your account compounds each year. Enter 365 for daily, 12 for monthly, 6 for semi-annually, 4 for quarterly or 1 for annually.
  • t is the length of time you plan on keeping money in the account, expressed in years.
  • A is how much your savings account balance will be at the end of the time period.

Suppose you make a $5,000 deposit in a savings account earning 2% APY, compounded daily. Here’s how you’d calculate your interest after five years using the order of operations:

  • A = $5,000 (1+0.02/365) ^ (365*5)
  • A = $5,000 (1+0.00005479452) ^ (365*5)
  • A = $5,000 (1.00005479452) ^ (365*5)
  • A = $5,000 (1.02020078103)
  • A = $5525.84

Your savings account balance would be $5525.84 in five years, which means you’ll have earned $525.84 in interest.

Compare savings rates

Narrow down top savings accounts by account type, annual percentage yield and more to find the best for your budget and financial goals. Select Compare for up to four products to see their benefits side by side.

{"visibility":"visibilityTable","ctaLabel":"Calculate","tableCode":"savings_calculator_table","nicheCode":"USFSA","fields":[{"name":"PERIOD","value":"1","options":"","label":"Years to save","suffix":"","useSuffixAsPrefix":false,"useDropDownOption":false,"tooltip":""},{"name":"INITIAL_DEPOSIT","value":"1000","options":"","label":"Initial deposit","suffix":"$","useSuffixAsPrefix":true,"useDropDownOption":false,"tooltip":"Select Calculate to see your estimated total balance based on the current APY for each product below"}]}
1 - 6 of 26
Product USFSA Finder Score Account type Annual Percentage Yield (APY) FDIC or NCUA insured amount Minimum balance to earn interest Minimum deposit to open Offer Estimated total balance
American Express logo
Finder score
Traditional savings


Up to $250,000
Barclays Tiered Savings
Barclays logo
Finder score
Traditional savings
Up to


Up to $250,000
Get a $200 Bonus when you deposit $25,000 or more within 30 days and maintain that balance for 120 days. Available to new bank customers.
Quontic Bank logo
Finder score
Money market


Up to $250,000
Wealthfront logo
Finder score
Cash management account


Up to $8M FDIC insurance
Uphold USD Interest Account
Uphold logo
Finder score
Savings app
Up to


Up to $2.5 million
Valley Direct High Yield Savings Account
Valley Direct logo
Finder score
Savings app



What is the Finder Score?

The Finder Score crunches over 250 savings accounts from hundreds of financial institutions. It takes into account the product's interest rate, fees, opening deposit and features - this gives you a simple score out of 10.

To provide a Score, Finder’s banking experts analyze hundreds of savings accounts against FDIC-reported national averages as a baseline. Accounts with rates well over the national average are scored the highest, while accounts with rates well below are scored low.

Read the full Finder Score breakdown

How is interest calculated on savings accounts?

Savings account interest is calculated as a percentage of your total deposit balance, such as 1% APY (annual percentage yield). Most rates are variable, which means your bank can raise or lower rates as the economy fluctuates.

Most banks calculate interest daily or monthly and deposit it into your account monthly. You’ll earn the most money with accounts that compound daily. If left alone, your interest can compound exponentially, making you even more money.

Why do I need to find the best interest rate?

Generally, the higher the interest rate, the greater the earning power. Even a small difference in interest rates can have a substantial effect on your overall savings, so compare a range of savings accounts and shop around for the best possible rate.

The average interest rate for savings accounts in the US is currently 0.05% APY, but many banks offer much better rates. Banks have their own way of calculating interest based on the savings account you choose, so use free interest calculators to get a realistic idea of how much you’ll earn across each type.

How much interest can you get on $1,000 in a savings account?

As an example, let’s consider the case of Mark, a 25-year-old customer service consultant from Ohio. Having spent money as fast as he earned it throughout his 20s, Mark is ready to start putting some money aside monthly to save for a down payment on a house. He has $1,000 to save and plans to deposit an extra $100 each week, so Mark decides to calculate the difference between two savings accounts — one that pays 2.5% and another that pays 3%.

Account AAccount B
Interest rate2.5% APY3% APY
Initial deposit$1,000$1,000
Ongoing weekly deposit$100$100
Amount saved after 1 year$6,289.57$6,307.69
Amount saved after 3 years$17,273.73$17,412.77
Amount saved after 5 years$28,820.91$29,204.34

As you can see, by choosing the account with a 0.5% higher interest rate, at the end of five years, Mark will have saved an extra $383.43.

How long will my savings last?

This table highlights how long your money would last if you had a $10,000 starting balance in a savings account earning 1% interest and withdrew $200, $500 or $1,000 a month.

$200 monthly withdrawal$500 monthly withdrawal$1,000 monthly withdrawal
Interest rate1% APY1% APY1% APY
Initial deposit$10,000$10,000$10,000
Ongoing monthly withdrawal$200$500$1,000
Your money would run out in…51 months21 months11 months

How much should I have in my savings?

There’s no right answer for how much you should have in your savings account. If you’re using it as an emergency fund, it’s recommended to save three to six months of basic expenses. If you’re using it to save for a house or a vacation, those numbers will look different.

Though interest rates help your savings grow, making regular contributions or deposits is the best way to see your growth over time. Setting aside a portion of your regular paycheck — even if it’s only $20 some weeks — will help you reach your goals a whole lot quicker.

Setting up an automatic deposit from your paycheck each pay period is an easy way to save without thinking about it.

Roberta’s regular deposits

Roberta is 18 years old and doesn’t have a particular savings goal in mind, but she wants to start putting money aside for the future. Her grandmother gave her a $1,000 check for her 18th birthday, and Roberta decides to deposit the money into a savings account. However, she also vows to become a more disciplined saver and start putting money aside regularly.

Roberta doesn’t save any money from her weekly paycheck but realizes that cutting back on online shopping could save her $50 a week. If she cuts other unnecessary expenses, like the gym membership she never uses, she can save $100 each week.

By depositing $100 a week, Roberta can save $29,204.34 after five years — only $15,183.06 with $50 deposits weekly.

$0 weekly deposit$50 weekly deposit$100 weekly deposit
Interest rate3% APY3% APY3% APY
Initial deposit$1,000$1,000$1,000
Ongoing weekly deposit$0$50$100
Amount saved after 1 year$1,030.45$3,669.07$6,307.69
Amount saved after 3 years$1,094.15$9,253.46$17,412.77
Amount saved after 5 years$1,030.45$15,183.06$29,204.34

Why use a savings calculator?

Calculators are a fast way of predicting how your money will grow over time. Remember that a calculator is only as accurate as the information you put into it. If you don’t represent your savings patterns and interest accurately, your results won’t be correct. Be honest about what you’re willing to set aside each week or month to get an accurate projection.

Bottom line

A savings calculator helps you project how much you need to save to reach your financial goals. Play around with the ongoing deposit amount and timeline to see how much you could earn over time. Reach your savings goals even quicker with a high-yield savings account with little to no fees.

Frequently asked questions

What amount of interest earned on a savings account is taxed?

Picture: Shutterstock

Holly Jennings's headshot
To make sure you get accurate and helpful information, this guide has been edited by Holly Jennings as part of our fact-checking process.
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Written by


Cassidy Horton is a freelance personal finance copywriter and past contributing writer for Finder. Her writing and banking expertise have been featured in Forbes Advisor, Money, The Balance, Money Under 30,, and other top digital publishers. She holds a BS in public relations and an MBA from Georgia Southern University. See full bio

Tim Falk's headshot
Co-written by


Tim Falk is a freelance writer for Finder. Over the course of his 15-year writing career, he has reported on a wide range of personal finance topics. Whether you're investing in stocks and ETFs, comparing savings accounts or choosing a credit card, Tim wants to make it easier for you to understand. When he’s not staring at his computer, you can usually find him exploring the great outdoors. See full bio

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