Rome (ROME) price, chart, coin profile and news

Find the latest Rome (ROME) price, coin profile, news and history to get you started with Rome trading and investing.

Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

What is Rome?

Rome (ROME) is the 3059th largest cryptocurrency in the world by market cap, valued at $1,695,492. The current price of Rome is $11.5, which is 0.000% higher than yesterday. Prices have ranged between $undefined and $undefined over the past 24 hours. All prices are listed in US dollars and accurate as of February 09, 2025 08:02 UTC.

How we keep this Rome guide up-to-date

  • ROME price data is regularly updated through data feeds so you always have the latest information.
  • Rome performance data is regularly updated using automated comparisons.

Rome at a glance

Information last updated February 09, 2025 08:02 UTC.
Coin symbol ROME
Coin Marketcap US$1,695,492
Total ROME supply 147,405
Circulating ROME 147,405
Current price US$11.5
All time high date November 30, 2021

Rome price performance over time

Historical prices compared with the price of US$11.5.

1 hour 0.00%
24 hours 0.00%
7 days -1.83%
14 days -1.30%
30 days 1.49%
60 days -3.65%
200 days -21.62%
1 year 0.64%

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