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ClearScore credit score and report 2025

  • Tom Stelzer's headshot
Monthly fee
Trial period
Report information included
Update frequency

Our verdict

ClearScore gives you free access to your Equifax credit score and credit report, forever.

It's hard to argue with free access for life. Where other credit agencies charge £10-15 per month for access to your credit report, ClearScore offers your credit report and credit score for free from Equifax, one of the three major credit reference agencies.

In return, you'll have to put up with receiving ongoing financial product recommendations. But even this isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're also in the market for a loan or credit card, or even want to get a better idea of the type of financial products you're likely to be eligible for.


  • No monthly fees
  • Detailed credit report
  • Updated weekly
  • Option to compare exclusive offers


  • No automated identity fraud warnings

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Product details

Monthly fee Free
Trial period N/A
Score information included Equifax
Report information included Equifax
Update frequency Weekly
Fraud alerts cross
Score alerts tick
Score alert formats Email
Score alerts details Choose weekly or monthly email updates on your score
Report alert formats Email
Report alerts details Choose weekly or monthly email updates on your report
App tick
App details Monitor your credit score and report, see offers and tailor your communications preferences
Dark web monitor tick
Dark web monitor details Every 3 months ClearScore scans a secure database of stolen data on the dark web to let you know if your information has been stolen. Pay monthly for realtime alerts.
Social media monitor cross

What is ClearScore?

ClearScore is a credit reference agency that offers credit reports and credit scores based on Equifax data. Unlike the major credit agencies, ClearScore offers these services on a free, lifelong basis.

The tradeoff for free credit report access is that ClearScore will recommend other financial products to you based on your credit profile, from which it receives a commission.

Is ClearScore safe?

Yes, ClearScore is a recognised credit reference agency registered in the UK. It is also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

ClearScore also uses 256-bit encryption to protect its customers’ personal information and holds all data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Is ClearScore any good?

ClearScore’s biggest selling point is the fact that it offers its credit report services for free. Whereas the other major credit reference agencies generally only let you access your credit report for free on a limited-time basis, ClearScore offers ongoing access to your credit score and credit report.

How does ClearScore make money?

Unlike other credit rating agencies, ClearScore doesn’t make money from charging for its credit report services. It instead receives commissions on financial products (such as loans and credit cards) that are offered by other lenders and suggested to you through ClearScore based on your credit score and history.

However, ClearScore will only recommend financial products and services that you’re likely to be eligible for given your current credit profile.

What is a good credit score for ClearScore?

ClearScore uses Equifax data to calculate your credit score, which is then rated using the following scale:

Credit scoreRating
671–810Very good

Screenshot of ClearScore's credit score dashboard

How do I cancel ClearScore?

You can cancel or delete your ClearScore at any time via the ClearScore website. However, the ClearScore credit report services are offered for free, so you won’t be charged for leaving your account open even if you never use it.

Pros and cons


  • Free for life
  • Uses Equifax data
  • Free for life


  • Will advertise other products

How do I improve my credit score?

As obvious as it might sound, the main way to improve your credit score is by using credit responsibly. In other words, borrowing money from legitimate sources and then repaying it in full and on time. However, there are a few other useful ways you can help your credit file, like registering on the electoral roll and regularly checking your credit report for any errors.

Learn 10 ways to boost your credit score with our in-depth guide.

We show offers we can track - that's not every product on the market...yet. Unless we've said otherwise, products are in no particular order. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations of these) aren't ratings, though we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it. This is subject to our terms of use. When you make major financial decisions, consider getting independent financial advice. Always consider your own circumstances when you compare products so you get what's right for you. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables has the source: Moneyfacts Group PLC. In other cases, Finder has sourced data directly from providers.

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