Home Authors Belinda Punshon
Belinda Punshon

Belinda Punshon


Belinda Punshon worked for Finder as a writer on home loans and property and as a corporate communications executive. She has a Masters in Advertising, Public Relations and Journalism from the University of New South Wales and a Bachelors in Business from the University of Technology Sydney.

Latest articles by Belinda Punshon

3 articles written by this author

Is seller financing right for your real estate situation?

Seller financing enables you to buy or sell a home without using a bank — but there are risks for everyone involved.

Belinda Punshon 12 September 2019
Is seller financing right for your real estate situation?

Verification of employment letter template and guide

Potential lenders may request a letter to verify your employment. Here's a simple template you can give to your employer to speed things up.

Belinda Punshon 4 September 2019
Verification of employment letter template and guide

CFD trading: US laws and alternative plays

Learn what a CFD is, why it's not allowed for US residents and some alternative investments that operate in similar ways.

Belinda Punshon 22 May 2015
CFD trading: US laws and alternative plays
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