Royal London life insurance review

Royal London has a range of flexible life insurance policies to help protect your family.

3.9 ★★★★★ (294 reviews) Write a review
Royal London
Customer rating
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Easy to deal with and knowledgeable, according to customers
Low maximum cover levels
Life insurance provides peace of mind for your family when you’re gone, but it can be hard to know what type of cover is best for you.

Royal London offers two types of life insurance policy, as well as income protection and serious illness cover. Find out how Royal London life insurance works in our review.

What is Royal London?

Royal London is one of the largest life insurance and pensions companies in the UK. It was founded in 1861 and has been operating for more than 150 years.

The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

What types of life insurance does Royal London offer?

Royal London offers two levels of life insurance policy, as well as specialised cover for those over 50 or looking to get income protection. Customers also have the option of adding optional critical illness.

Name Product Age range at application Cover range Term Pays out Joint cover Link
Royal London Level Cover
Up to £500,000
From 5 to 50 years (term must end before you turn 80)
If you die or get a terminal illness during the cover period
Yes, but the policy will only be paid out once
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Royal London Decreasing Cover
Royal London Decreasing Cover
Up to £500,000
From 5 to 50 years (term must end before you turn 80)
If you die or get a terminal illness during the cover period
Yes, but the policy will only be paid out once
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Royal London Serious Illness Cover
Up to £350,000
From 5 to 50 years (term must end before you turn 80)
If you’re diagnosed with a covered illness or condition
Royal London Family Income Benefit
Royal London Family Income Benefit
Up to £2,500 per month
Not specified
If you’re unable to work due to injury or illness
Royal London Over 50 Life Insurance
Up to £10,000
Unlimited (you pay until you turn 95)
If you die or get a terminal illness during the cover period

Benefits of Royal London life insurance

  • Level and decreasing term cover available
  • Range of optional extras, including serious illness cover
  • Specialised over 50s cover

Drawbacks of Royal London life insurance

  • Does not offer whole-of-life insurance
  • Low maximum cover limits

Royal London life insurance exclusions

Royal London’s life insurance policies are for protection only and have no cash value unless a claim is made. As with all insurance, there are exclusions. These include the following:

  • Suicide
  • Death as a result of your own intentional actions
  • Any illnesses that fail to meet Royal London’s definitions
  • Two consecutively missed monthly payments
  • False or inaccurate information provided at the start of the policy

How do I make a claim with Royal London life insurance?

If you wish to make a claim, you will need to contact Royal London by calling 0345 266 5400, or by post to:

Customer Services
PO Box 409
Royal London House
Alderley Road

Am I eligible for Royal London life insurance?

You can apply for a Royal London life insurance policy if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are a UK resident
  • You are aged between 18-70
  • You are not a member of the Armed Forces, Army Reserve or Reservists

What affects the cost of Royal London life insurance?

  • Age. Expect to pay more for a premium the older you get. The general rule of thumb for life insurance is that the younger you are when you take out a policy, the cheaper the premium is likely to be.
  • Tobacco or alcohol use. How much or how little you smoke or drink can have an impact on the cost of your premium. Due to a proven link between smoking and serious illnesses, smokers can ultimately live shorter lives and are therefore likely to pay more.
  • Cholesterol or other health criteria. Weight, cholesterol, psychiatric diagnoses and serious medical conditions can also affect your premiums. Your risk profile may not be rated as high if you can manage your condition with medication, therapy or other treatment.
  • Family health history. There’s not a lot you can do about your family’s health, but if there’s a hereditary illness in your family, your premium is very likely to increase.
  • Amount of cover needed. The greater the level of protection you choose, the higher the premium is likely to be.

Frequently asked questions

Life insurance ratings

★★★★★ — Excellent
★★★★★ — Good
★★★★★ — Average
★★★★★ — Subpar
★★★★★ — Poor

Finder scores, in blue, are based on our expert analysis. We also show reviews from users, where we've received more than 10, with a score in yellow. We gather more reviews from customers every year in Finder's customer satisfaction survey.

To find out more, read our full methodology.

The offers compared on this page are chosen from a range of products we can track; we don't cover every product on the market...yet. Unless we've indicated otherwise, products are shown in no particular order or ranking. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations), aren't product ratings, although we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it; this is subject to our terms of use. When making a big financial decision, it's wise to consider getting independent financial advice, and always consider your own financial circumstances when comparing products so you get what's right for you. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables has the source: Moneyfacts Group PLC. In other cases, Finder has sourced data directly from providers.
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Liz Edwards has been a consumer writer and editor for more than 20 years. She led award-winning teams at the campaigning publisher Which?, and has covered a range of consumer rights and personal finance topics including pensions, credit, banking and insurance. Liz has appeared frequently in national media such as The Sun, Metro, HuffPost and The Independent. She loves to cut through waffle to give consumers the real lowdown. And she loves puns. See full bio

Liz's expertise
Liz has written 108 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Consumer rights and protection
  • Saving money
  • Buy now, pay later
  • Insurance
  • Consumer trends
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