Home Authors Rachel Dix-Kessler
Rachel Dix-Kessler

Rachel Dix-Kessler


Rachel Dix-Kessler is a former public relations manager at finder.com. She's at the forefront of personal finance and trends affecting Americans, helping them to make better and more informed financial decisions.

Latest articles by Rachel Dix-Kessler

4 articles written by this author

Love and money: Statistics

Exclusive finder.com data shows how those in relationships manage their wealth – where does their money go? See our full list of statistics.

Rachel Dix-Kessler 19 February 2019
Love and money: Statistics

Getting the pay raise you deserve

Six career experts share with us how to prepare for salary negotations.

Rachel Dix-Kessler 11 February 2019
Getting the pay raise you deserve

Credit card debt crushers

Credit card debt – easy to get into, hard to get out of. These six stories prove that crushing debt is possible, with a plan. See how they did it.

Rachel Dix-Kessler 20 July 2018
Credit card debt crushers

Americans are financing $16.16 billion for home renovations — and not just on plastic

What are the most popular methods of borrowing? And how much are we paying in interest?

Rachel Dix-Kessler 31 May 2018
Americans are financing $16.16 billion for home renovations — and not just on plastic
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