Press Release

For immediate release

Just retired? Brits say that you should redo your driving test at 68 years old

  • Almost three quarters (74%) of Brits believe you should have to retake your driving test.
  • 55 year olds pay the least for car insurance on average (£468) of all ages, implying they may be the safest drivers.
  • There is currently no law that you must take your driving test again when you reach a certain age.
  • 1, August, 2022, LONDON –

    The average age that Brits think people should have to retake their driving test is 68 years old, according to new research from the personal finance comparison site This is just 2 years older than the current retirement age.

    Overall, three quarters (74%) of Brits believe you should retake your driving test, with two thirds (66%) saying it should be retaken before reaching 80 years old. Interestingly, 1 in 10 (10%) of Brits think the age should be below 55 years old.

    Despite drivers not having to retake their test currently, unless they have been disqualified or have certain medical conditions, only a fifth (18%) of Brits agree with the current regulations and feel you should never have to retake your test again.

    The public would like to see driving tests retaken, but not at their current age!

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, older generations believe a driving test should be retaken at an older age compared to younger counterparts.

    Gen Z (18-25 year olds) said 65 years old was the right age to retake a driving test, giving this generation over 40 years until they feel it is time to take their driving test again.

    The Silent generation (74 years old and above), felt that 76 years old is the right age to retake a driving test.

    Men think the driving test should be retaken at a younger age

    There was a slight difference in responses from men and women, males felt that individuals should retake their driving test at 67 years old. Whereas women felt you should be slightly older, at 69 years old.

    England want drivers to retake their tests earlier than the rest of the home nations

    In terms of regional differences, Scotland and Wales responded with the oldest age, participants in these areas felt that individuals should have to retake their driving test at 70 years old. Those in the West Midlands and London feel the age should be 4 years younger, 66 years old, the youngest age of all the regions.

    55 year olds pay the least in car insurance

    As 1 in 5 (21.6%) new drivers are involved in car accidents in the first year of passing their test, car insurers place more risk on having younger drivers on the road and they are hit with the highest car insurance prices as a result. On average, 20 year olds are quoted £383 more than 55 year olds, who pay the least out of all ages for their insurance.

    To see the research in full visit:

    Commenting on the findings, Danny Butler, car insurance expert at, said:

    “Many people pass their driving test, relieved at never needing to take lessons or a test again. But we’ve found that the majority of Brits want people to retake their driving test at least once again in their lifetime.

    “An average age of 68 years old shows that Brits are not convinced that those who have hit retirement should be allowed to sit back and relax, the public wants them to start dusting up on their theory and getting ready for another practical test.

    “With the highway code changes this year, pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders have gained greater priority on the roads. There is now a strong case for the older generation to retake their driving test, as some of those aged 68 years old, may have passed their tests in the 1980s, when seatbelts were not mandatory!

    “Whilst the public want to see 68 year olds retake their driving test, it should be noted that people aged 66 to 70 years old enjoy some of the cheapest car insurance due to the small number of accidents that occur in this age group. In fact, 60 to 70 year olds are involved in less than half of the amount of road accidents than those aged between 20-29 years old.”


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