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50 female personal finance blogs you need to follow

The finance industry is filled with many Wonder Women making a difference. In celebrations of International women’s Day on March 8, we wanted to highlight some of the best personal finance blogs run by women, in no particular order. Many of the women featured below have overcome their own unique financial hurdles and are now dedicated to helping others find financial success and independence.

Chatzky’s blog Jean Chatzky Making Money Make Sense takes the complex world of money and explains it in a way anyone can understand.

Chatzky entered the world of finance as a journalist. Delving into the topic of money for her 9-5 helped her manage and grow her own. Her site breaks down her money philosophy and offers readers a range of resources to manage their own finances such as budget worksheets, a blog, newsletter archive, calculators and much more.

2. Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach ®

Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach ® is a personal finance expert, author and frequent television and radio guest.

Now an award-winning financial news journalist and former Wall Street Journal reporter for CNBC, at one point her in life Lynnette found herself $100,000 in credit card debt. She decided to turn financial life around, becoming debt ree in just three years. Now dedicated to helping others, Lynnette and her husband began in 2003, offering online courses, coaching, speaking and further resources for those looking to take charge of their finances.

3. Erin Lowry, Broke Millennial

Erin Lowry is an author and personal finance expert. She created Broke Millennial to help “get your financial life together (#GYFLT).”

Erin learned the value of a dollar at a young age. As kids she and her sister would pay for 50% of anything they wanted, except Christmas and birthday gifts. The rule even applied to college tuition. Erin attributes her financial success to the financial lessons she learned growing up. She graduated college debt-free and after moving to New York City, still managed to save money despite making “next-to-nothing.” Erin’s goal is to help others get their financial life together and “go from flat-broke to financial badass.”

Farnoosh Torabi is a personal finance expert who aims to help people “live their richest, most fulfilling life.”

Farnoosh was over $30,000 in debt at the age of 22 and living in New York City. Her personal situation and professional experiences as a financial reporter made her realize there was very little access to digestible financial advice for young adults. Farnoosh wrote her first book, You’re So Money – Live Rich Even When You’re Not, to help young adults achieve financial independence. Now, through her books, podcast, blog and guest appearances she has helped many better manage their money.

5. Jamila Souffrant, Journey To Launch

Jamila is a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) who was raised by a single mother, which taught her the value of money at a very young age.

She purchased her first property at the age of 22, right out of college with money she had saved growing up. More recently, Jamila and her husband manage to save and invest $85,300, all in one year. Jamila’s blog Journey To Launch offers hands-on tools and information to directly help her readers with their financial freedom. By visiting her site you can take advantage of her blog, podcast, coaching, resource and products and become part of the Journey To Launch Community.

6. Chelsea Fagan, The Financial Diet

Chelsea Fagan is a blogger who discusses personal finance and living better “without being boring”.

Chelsea first began her blog in 2014 in order to track her own budget. Since then her blog has grown into a conversation about money. She and a community of contributors share personal stories, expert testimonials, financial confessions and advice. The Financial Diet covers topics like money talk, career, college and living The Financial Diets 10 Commandments all in aid of shaking off the taboo that is the topic of money.

7. Paula Pant, Afford Anything

Paula Pant is a finance blogger who has developed an online community that helps individuals build financial independence through her blog, Afford Anything.

Paula began her career as a newspaper reporter straight out of college. Although she loved her job, she lacked freedom. In hopes of breaking free from her 9-5 weekly obligation, she began saving money “like a maniac”. She worked evenings and weekends, saving as much as she possibly could. After saving enough to buy a one-way ticket to Egypt she handed in her resignation and spent two years backpacking. Fast forward to 2018, Paula has built a six-figure income as a self-employed writer and achieved financial independence through real estate investing.

8. Anna Newell Jones, And Then We Saved

Anna Newell Jones is a finance blogger whose mission is to help others get to living a debt-free life through And Then We Saved.

At the end of 2009, Anna was drowning in over $23k in debt. When she came to her breaking point and decided enough was enough, she changed her lifestyle by following a Spending Fast / Spending Diet plan, eliminating all of her debt in just 15 months. Since getting out of debt Anna has been dedicated to sharing with her community how she stays motivated, gives advice on getting out of debt, staying out of debt and living life without “all of the crap”.

9. Tonya Rapley, My Fab Finance

Tonya Rapley is a finance blogger (My Fab Finance) entrepreneur, wife, co-founder, domestic violence survivor and citizen of the world. She was deemed the “New Face of Wealth Building” by Black Enterprise Magazine in 2014.

Tonya started My Fab Finance in 2013, when “her life was out of order.” She was in credit card related and poor relationship debt. At the time, Tanya was working at the YMCA in Brooklyn and, after moving to the Center for New York City Neighborhoods, she was able to grow My Fab Finance into what it is today – “A place to help millennials break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck so that they can become financially free and do more of what they love.”

Stefanie O’Connell is a millennial money expert, speaker and author of the book, “The Broke and Beautiful Life.”

Stefanie is “dedicated to helping young adults achieve financial greatness.” She graduated New York University with a degree in drama in 2008, and shortly after found herself in the Philippines as a cast member on the international tour of the musical Cinderella. In 2009 she found herself back in New York City, broke and unemployed in the midst of the financial crisis. Stefanie turned to personal finance, teaching herself as much as she could on her subway rides home from her late night restaurant shifts. As she started to educate others on the financial information she was learning, her audience grew and in 2015 she published her first book.

11. Ruth Soukup, Living Well Spending Less

Ruth is a finance blogger and author who created Living Well Spending Less in 2010. Her marriage was in jeopardy due to her “out-of-control” spending habits. Wanting to hold herself accountable, she decided to start writing about her personal challenges with money. Ruth’s mission at Living Well Spending Less is to help eliminate overwhelm and make life just a little bit easier. Living Well Spending Less provides solutions and tools for all aspects of life.

Femme Frugality is a place where you can find articles that contain specific steps the author has taken in order to handle her finances. Additionally, you can find money saving tips for students, brides, mommies, daddies and free events taking place in Pittsburgh. The site also features products and programs that she thinks can help people out. Femme Frugality loves hearing from her readers and whether or not you agree with her point of view. Visit her site today to get the conversation started and see in what ways she can help you handle your finances.

13. Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall, WIFE

Women’s Institution for Financial Education (WIFE) is a 501 (c)(3) dedicated to helping women in the their question to financial independence by providing financial education.

Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall are renowned experts in women’s finances. They believe that every woman needs somebody who counsels and empowers, who listens and advises and offers comfort when needed, a WIFE. WIFE aims to empower women to prosper and succeed. They use WIFE to help empower women to get smarter in every area of life that is impacted by money. Whether you’re looking to learn about finances, divorce, budgets, taxes, investments, collaborate and join money clubs or attend divorce workshops, WIFE has the resources to help get you on the track to financial freedom.

Purse Strings was founded to help women learn about and engage in the details of their financial future.

By combining her passions for advocating for women and adult education, the founder of Purse Strings created a women’s network for those looking to gain confidence in the area of finances. Purse Strings has grown into a community of supporting professionals who can encourage each other and be confident enough to engage in their financial future in order to take charge of their financial health. If you’re ready to join a community of women, learn in a private setting and gain financial confidence visit Purse Strings today.

Catherine Alford is a personal finance expert “for educated, aspirational moms who wants to recapture their life passions, earn more, reach their goals, and take on a more active financial role in their families.”

Catherine began writing about debt after she found herself moving on a three-year move with her husband to live in the Caribbean. After this life-altering move she found herself jobless and very much in debt. What started as an outlet to track her budget, life and quest to earn an income with only a computer and an internet connection quickly grew into an internet sensation. Her blog Budget Blog open the doors to a successful freelance writing career, and Cat found herself getting paid to create content for financial blogs and websites. Catherine aims “to teach others how to become successful, wealthy and happy self-employed entrepreneurs and mothers without losing themselves in the process.” Checkout Catherine’s blog.

Ginger is a financial blogger who began Girls Just Wanna Have Funds in 2003 as a way to “begin the conversation about money in a meaningful way that did not involve “lipstick lingo.”

As a child Ginger watcher her mom save furiously when her father passed away. Unfortunately those saving habits did not rub off on Ginger and she found herself $30,000 after escaping a financially and physically abusive marriage. Her own financial struggles are what motivated her to continue to encourage women to own their money story. Girls Just Wanna Have Funds focuses on money mindset, earning more, passive income and investing in real estate, which is one of Ginger’s vehicles toward financial independence. Learn more about Ginger’s story and success.

17. Dr. Jean Lown, Financial Planning for Women

Dr. Jean Lown, of Utah State University, began Financial Planning for Women (FPW) during her sabbatical leave in 1997. FPW is based off of six programs that use “Investment Basics” publications that were developed by Kansas Cooperative Extension.

FPW was developed with the mission in mind of educating women about personal finance and investing, and to motivate them to take responsibility for their financial future. With the assumption that retirement is at the forefront of everyone’s mind when they plan for their financial future, FPW focuses on the importance of looking at the big picture. FPW takes a holistic approach to financial planning, which is “to set your goals, prioritize and don’t let the lesser issues distract you from your goals.” Read more about FPW’s specific goals.

Suze Orman is an internationally acclaimed personal finance expert who provides advice on personal finance topics.

Suze has an extremely inspiring story, beginning from childhood up into present year. She experienced a lot of financial setbacks but also pushed through, looking for a way to overcome the low. Her first job was working as a tree clearer for $3.50 an hour, then a waitress and then for Merill Lynch (quite a job). This was the job, along with the experiences, that was the stepping stone to her success today. Now, Suze provides thousands personal finance advice to help them take charge of their financial health and future. Need a little inspiration, start by reading Suze’s inspiring story.

19. Melanie – Dear Debt

Melanie is a financial blogger who started Dear Debt in 2013 to keep herself accountable in the debt payoff process.

Melanie was $81,000 deep in student loan debt. She paid the minimum toward her loans for five years, graduating with $68,000 left. Then, in four and a half years, she paid off the $68,000. In 2010 she quit her job to attend NYU, while living off of her $14,000 she had saved up with working three jobs. After she earned her masters she struggled to find a job, despite the degree she held. After being motivated by other finance blogs, she started her own in 2013. She documented her struggle with finding meaningful work and eventually found a job before transitioning into self-employment. Talking about her struggles helped build community, come to terms with her financial situation and turned her into a full-time writer. See how you can take the steps toward a debt-free life.

20. Sandy – Yes, I AM Cheap

Sandy is a personal finance expert who, at a point in time, was $120,665.31 in debt.

Sandy had started a brick and mortar store and borrowed a HElOC and money against her credit cards when she realized her business was failing. On top of all that, she had undergraduate and graduate loans to pay back. So, in 2009, Sandy decided to start a blog to help her get her debt under control. Fast-forward to 2018, she is debt-free and has helped countless others improve their finances, and continues to strive to help even more get their financial life together. Through her blog, courses and a free Facebook Group, Sandy is helping those struggling with their financial health.

21. Emma Johnson – Wealthy Single Mommy

Emma Johnson is a financial blogger, mom and business owner who is dedicated to helping others build a full, awesome life as a single mother.

Emma grew up poor with a single mother. She was ambitious about her career and determined to succeed. She got married and, after what seemed like a stable relationship with her husband, Emma launched in 2012 when she realized that professional single mothers needed a community, information and inspiration. Shortly after her launch she found tens of thousands of women visiting, commenting and connecting on a monthly basis. She has devoted her site to professional, single moms.

22. Kerry Taylor – Squawkfox

Kerry Taylor is a financial journalist, author, speaker and blogger dedicated to helping others reduce debt, increase savings, earn more, invest wisely and reach financial dependence.

Kerry grew up in a “thrifty” family and learned about money at a young age. In 2007 she started a newsletter for personal finance, to which she sent out to her friends who knew very little about the topic. A year later her newsletter became too popular to manage, so was born As another year past she found her posts reaching millions of readers or, in other terms, she went viral. Kerry focuses on topics such as making money, saving money, food and life in general. Visit Kerry’s blog to start learning money-saving and making tips.

23. Laura Adams –

A personal finance expert and award-winning author of books including Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Grow Rich, Laura Adams’ mission is to “help over 100 million students and consumers live richer lives through her podcasting, speaking, spokesperson, teaching, and advocacy work.”

Laura makes money simple for her readers so that they can “rule their finances, make smart investment decisions and have a richer life.” She covers a wide range of financial topics, from credit, to taxes, to retirement, to insurance. Although she is a personal finance expert, you can find tips for a whole slew of categories as well as advice to manage productivity, organizations, project management and more. You can sign up for Laura’s newsletter at

24. Michelle – Making Sense of Cents

Michelle is a financial blogger who talks about saving money and how to make extra money.

When Michelle graduated from college she found herself $38,000 in debt from student loans. She started Making Sense of Cents to help improve her finances and because of her blog she was able to pay off all of her debt in seven months. During this journey she kept track of this progress all while helping readers improve their finances along the way. Michelle worked as a financial analysts after getting her masters, but now is fully self-employed as an online freelancer. If you’re looking for advice on finances, starting your own blog, recommendations or to join a free Facebook Group for inspiration, be sure to read on at

25. Tracie – Penny Pinchin’ Mom

Tracie is a financial blogger who “loves to help people find ways to save money, sweep up their financial lives and get out of debt.”

Tracie and her husband found themselves in debt, $37,000 worth to be exact. Like many they decided it was time to get their finances in order so they reevaluated how they were spending and developed a tight budget, which all played a role in helping them pay off their debt in just over two years. After paying off their debt Tracie became invested in learning how to make the most out of her and her husband’s money. She found she could maximize her saving by using coupons and “working deals,” like the ones she shares on her blog. In 2009 Tracie started Penny Pinchin’ Mom so that she could share her learnings and give tips on “how to get out of debt, money savings tips and how to get the most with what you have.”

26. Bridget Casey – Money After Graduation

Bridget Casey is the founder and content creator of Money After Graduation, an online financial literacy resource.

Money After Graduation was founded for young professionals who are looking to build long-term wealth. You can find resources and tools for student loans, investing in the stock market or even saving up for retirement. Through eCourses and workshops Bridget provides clear and actionable advice that has helped thousands on millennials pay off debt, stick to a budget and invest for long-term financial security. Watch Casey’s YouTube video to learn more about her background and

27. LaTisha Styles – Young Finances

LaTisha Styles is a business coach and consultant who helps clients build and grow their online platform.

LaTisha graduated college right around the time the Great Recession hit. After little success looking for a job she decided to become self-employed. She had two degrees, one in Modern Languages and Culture, Spanish and the other in Finance. After earning the second degree it took her 11 months to find a job. Even after she took the job in the finance industry she started and maintained her own blog. Six years later LaTisha had built a platform as a millennial personal finance expert she came to the realization that if she was going to earn a living she need to offer her skills directly, instead of selling someone else’s product or service. Today, she helps readers identify the skills they possess to turn it into an online business.

28. Melissa –

Melissa is a blogger who has taken the first steps on her journey to financial stability by starting a blog.

At age 30, Melissa has just a little to pay off on a school loan, no credit card debt, a full-time job and no big bills. However, she has no idea what she is doing with her money. At this point all she knows is that she wants to learn more about investing because she’s “scared of retiring to a cardboard box under an overpass in 40 years.” You can join and follow Melissa’s journey by following her blog that focuses on topics like frugal living, earning more, destroying debt, stage management and more.

29. Kim Parr – Eyes On The Dollar

Kim is a Southern Belle who headed out west with her husband and six year old daughter after optometry school. She started blogging as an effort to “show our journey from making no money and having no assets to making money but spending recklessly, to finally realizing what is important in life.” Through her blog she wants to hold herself accountable and become debt-free, invest in her family’s future and keep their eye on the dollar. Join Kim’s journey and learn more about debt, lifestyle, saving money and travel.

30. Shannyn – Frugal Beautiful

Shannyn is the blogger behind Frugal Beautiful, “an aspirational living blog that focus on helping women be able to afford the life they want- finance, travel, fashion and fitness.”

Shannyn moved to Chicago to get her Master’s Degree in 2010, and then her Ph.D. Two degrees later she found herself in $32,000 worth of debt. She initially wanted to learn how to live in Chicago on $800 a month, while being happy doing so. Well, life never goes as planned. The good news is that she is now living the dream in Texas, financially free and committed to helping people live their best life. Her hope is to use Frugal Beautiful to “help everyone cultivate a life that’s beautiful no matter what their budget is (…or isn’t).” Visit her blog to get Shannyn’s insight on finances, house & home, lifestyle and growth.

Cait Flanders is a blogger who shares stories and lessons she learns on her pursuit to become a more mindful consumer. She is also the author of the self-help memoir, The Year of Less.

In June of 2011 Cait found herself deep in more than $28,000 of debt. After years of swiping for anything she wanted she decided to create a blog to hold herself accountable and document her debt repayment journey. In 2011, Cait paid off $10,000 worth of debt, 2012 $11,000 and made her final repayment May of 2013. She put herself on a two-year shopping ban and decided to embrace minimalism. You can join Cait’s online community, sign up for her newsletter and take advantage of her financial-help resources at

32. Jessica Moorhouse – Money. Life. Balance

Jessica Moorhouse is a millennial personal finance expert, speaker, Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada professional, award-winning blogger, host of the Mo’ Money Podcast, founder of the Millennial Money Meetup and co-founder of Rich & Fit.

Growing up Jessica never had a lot of money. She began working at the age of 15 and paid her way through college without any financial assistance, except for a $5,000 loan in her last year of school. Realizing she needed a strategic budget in order to live the life she had always dreamed of having, she started a blog to track her finance journey and hold herself accountable. As her blog community grew, so did its mission. She now focuses on helping millennials get the same guidance and support she always needed. Her goal is to help millennials get on track to afford the lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of, too. You can visit her resources page to learn more about how Jessica can help you with your financial well-being.

33. Kate – Goodnight Debt

Kate is a blogger who is on a journey to a debt-free life, to save for retirement and move toward financial freedom.

Kate’s “dysfunctional relationship with money” began early in her life. Her parents divorced when she was a baby and they both struggled with financial insecurities. She contributes her “money hoarding habits” to her early trauma and saved everything she ever earned or was given. However, after completing law school her debt-free status went out of the window. Join her on her journey to financial independence as she pays off her $45,330.87 in federal student loans.

Rachel Cruze is a presenter and communicator that aims to help Americans handle money and stay out of debt the proper way.

Rachel is the daughter of Dave Ramsey, American businessman and financial broadcaster. She uses her knowledge and experiences garnered from growing up with Dave Ramsey to help educate others. She co-authored the book Smart Money Smart kids with her father and released a book of her own in 2016, Love Your Life, Not Theirs. Rachel’s website houses resources on debt-free living, living life on a budget, kids & money, college planning and everything else.

35. Tricia – Blogging Away Debt

Blogging Away Debt is all about tracking a journey to a debt-free life.

This blog is unique because it features various bloggers. People who are ready to commit to a debt-free life and track their journey can apply for the blogging position after the previous person has completed their journey to become debt-free. Tricia started this blog when she and her husband were more than $48,477 in debt. Now, she has opened up her blog to other people who are looking to take control of their financial health. You can visit to see how past and current bloggers have worked their way to a debt-free life.

36. Madame X – My Open Wallet

Written by an anonymous blogger, Madame X writes about how much money she makes, what she spends it on, how much she saves and budgets, her financial goals and ambitions and much more.

Madame X grew up in a middle-class to upper-middle class family. She went to an Ivy League college, which her father mostly paid for. After graduating she had about $10,000 in student loans, which her father mostly paid for as well. After graduating she was unemployed for two months and ran up a couple thousand dollars in credit card debt. After finding a job she eventually paid her father back and became financially independent. Her parents are now divorced and she sometimes lend her mother money, but not in large amounts. You can read about how she managed to save the money she has here.

37. Finn Lane – The Digerati Life

The Digerati Life is a blog dedicated to writing about money, business, technology, entrepreneurial endeavors and the what the culture is like at The Digerati Life.

The Silicon Valley Blogger behind The Digerati Life is known online and in social media as Finn Lane. For those curiosus, “Digerati” refers to those “people who are knowledgeable about digital technologies such as computer programming and design.” So, The Digerati Life mission is “to provide a great online resource for anyone who wants to earn more, save more and invest more of their money.” Visit their site to see how they’re helping people make smart financial choices.

38. Mrs. Micah – Finance for a Free Life

Mrs. Micah is a writer, blog consultant, quilter/crafter, among many other things.

Mrs. Micah created Finance for a Free Life to get ahold of her newlywed finances, which included knocking out the $100,000+ student loan debt that was brought into her marriage. Up until her marriage she was in great financial shape, living debt-free. Then, after getting married she took on her husbands 100,000+ in student loan debt from getting his Ph.D., $8,000 in car debt and $800 in credit card debt. In order to come to terms with the debt she started blogging, and her personance finance blogging community has aided in her commitment to stick with it. She and her husband are now credit card and car debt-free and still working toward paying off her husband’s student loan debt.

39. Cathy – Chief Family Officer

Cathy is a lawyer gone blogger whose mission at Chief Family Officer is to help people achieve financial freedom and family bliss.

After her oldest son was born in 2005, Cathy decided to start blogging. She liked it so much that she quit her full-time job as an attorney to become a work-at-home blogger mom. For her family, she defines financial freedom as having enough money to do the things you want to do. Now, she wants to help others achieve financial freedom and does so by offering money-saving tips, daily deals and strategies that work for her.

Fabulously Broke began as an outlet to blog her way out of debt.

The blogger behind fabulously broke was $60,000 in debt, which she got out of in 18 months while earning $65,000 a year. As a new money blogger she soon realized that there were a lot of people in the personal finance world telling people to punish themselves because of their debt. She decided to blog about being normal – impulse shopping, making mistakes and learning. Her advice for getting out of debt is tracking expenses and sticking to a budget.

41. Lisa – Cents To Save

Lisa has been a personal finance blogger since November 2006.

Lisa created Cents To Save to track her journey of paying down debt and preparing for retirement. She is a wife, mother and health professional whose mission is to reduce her debt to zero and prepare as much as possible for retirement while enjoying life and her family along the way. You can visit Cents To Save for information on a wide arrange of topics like personal finance, selling on Ebay and coupon saving.

42. Stephanie – Poorer Than You

Stephanie is a personal finance blogger and college graduate.

Stephanie starting blogging when she had to dropout of school because of poor financial planning. After dropping out she began teaching herself about personal finance, worked hard to save and eventually got herself back into school. On her site Poorer Than You she shares personal stories and articles and financial literature in hopes of helping others avoid her financial mistakes. You can find information on topics including credit cards, savings, budgeting, earning more money, evaluating job offers and big and small financial decisions.

The blogger behind Stacking Nieces is an engineer in her 30s living in the San Francisco Bay area.

She was raised in the Midwest, worked there for a while and used scholarships, grants and student loans to pay her way through college. She now lives with her husband in Southern California and blogs to cover the details of her finances and thoughts on money matters. You can follow her and her husband’s journey, including their financials goals, spending plans, clothing purchases and bathroom remodeling.


Sharon is a “self-professed financial nerd” who is trying to find the perfect balance between life and money.

She has been writing on MIDLIFEMOMMUSINGS for over 10 years. When she first started blogging Sharon wanted to document her journey out of debt. She was faced with credit card debt, car loan debt and home equity debt and decided it was time to get rid of them all. After beginning her journey her husband received a huge bonus, which helped them pay off their debt. Now she continues her blog in hopes of “finding the perfect balance between life and money, both now and in the future.”

45. Crystal Paine – Money Saving Mom

Crystal is a mom who created after receiving an influx of questions, requests and emails about bargain-shopping she shared on a former blog.

When Crystal and her husband first got married they were living on a “beans-and-rice budget” to avoid getting into debt while her husband went through law school. She always enjoyed saving money and finding ways she could “get the best bang for her buck.” Crystal and her husband saved thousands of dollars during the years he attended law school by keeping their grocery and household budget to $35 a week. Now Crystal maintains to help others find the best deals and save money the way she and her husband were able to.

46. Gretchen – Retired By 40

Gretchen is a finance blogger with a degree in accounting.

She graduated with more than $100,000 of debt, a combination of student loans, credit cards and auto loans. She started her blog while she was pregnant and realized they had too many bills for her not to work. She started reading personal finance blogs, taught herself how to cut costs and pay attention to her budget. Now she and her husband are on track to becoming debt-free and developing enough income to save for retirement.

47. Holly Johnson – Club Thrifty

Holly and her husband are bloggers, speakers and professional writers who maintain Club Thrifty.

They both struggled with debt and money-related stress. They found themselves spending more than they earned and not knowing where their money went. When they realized they could change their lives by changing what they thought about money, they did just that. By using zero-sum budgeting they learned to cut waste, spend less and use their money more wisely, eventually paying off $50,000 in car loans, student loans and consumer debt. You can read their blog to gain insight on budget travel and saving money.

48. Brittney – Financially Wise Women

Brittney is the founder and CEO of Financially Wise Women.

She is a Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor, Accredited Asset Management Specialist, entrepreneur and speaker. Brittney realized she wanted “to work with clients in a smart, personal, feminine way that’s compassionate, fun and nonjudgmental after working in the male-dominated world of financial planning. At Financially Wise Women she and her team help create financial plans, budgets and investment portfolios for people who are ready to take action. Visit her website and schedule a complimentary discovery session.

49. Tiffany Aliche – The Budgetnista

Tiffany is an award-winning teacher of financial empowerment and personal financial educator.

She has served as the personal finance expert for City National Bank and specializes in the delivery of financial literacy. Tiffany’s motto is “to create a positive and measurable lifestyle shift, through financial education.” You can visit The Budgetnista’s website so get started on her Live Richer Challenge.

50. Jessi Fearon – Real Life On A Budget

Jessi is a blogger who wants to encourage others to live their life by budget and make managing their money a priority in their lives.

She failed early with money in her adult life, but she and her husband have paid off over $55,000 of debt in 17 months. Now the only debt left is their mortgage. Jessi developed an entire online course to help others go through the ins-and-outs of managing their money. You can check out her Real Life Money Plan here.

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Richard Laycock, Insights editor and senior content marketing manager


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