Wombat launches UK fractional shares

It is one of the first low-cost trading platforms to offer this feature.
Wombat has launched UK fractional shares, allowing you to buy small parts of shares in brands and companies such as Morrisons, HSBC and trainline. It has announced 17 equities so far, with more planned to be added over the next few weeks.
Fractional shares are, as the name suggests, small fractions of shares. Of course, shares are small fractions of companies, which means you can now buy small fractions of small fractions of companies with Wombat. It’s particularly good for when even one share is pricier than the average investor can afford. For example, one share of Lindt is 7,770 CHF, which is approximately £6,550.01 per share.
Wombat isn’t the first to offer fractional shares. Nutmeg and eToro both allow you to invest in this way, but Wombat has launched this feature before similar platforms such as Freetrade and Revolut. Trading 212 also offers UK fractional shares, with the list being extended all the time.
Wombat is a popular trading app, with the aim to offer simple and effortless investing. It has a stocks and shares ISA and a general investment account available.