Home Authors Scott Birke
Scott Birke

Scott Birke


Scott Birke is the Director of SEO at Wise Publishing and formerly Finder Canada's publisher. He has previously worked as the director of content operations at Verticalscope Inc., editorial director at SBC Media Group, and the editor of SBC Business Magazine. He has also freelanced for dozens of national and international publications including the National Post, Mountain Life and Outside's Rock and Ice Magazine. Scott has a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Guelph. He loves snowboarding, scuba diving, travelling with his family and applying his knowledge of banking and credit cards.

Latest articles by Scott Birke

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How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £75,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £45,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £60,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £600,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £40,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £1,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £150,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £400,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £3,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £2,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?
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