Home Authors Patricia Cruz
Patricia Cruz

Patricia Cruz

Consumer advocate

Patricia Cruz is a public relations professional at Finder. She has a Bachelor degree in Organizational Communication from the University of the Philippines Manila.

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How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £75,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £45,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £60,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £600,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £40,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £1,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £150,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £400,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £3,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £2,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?
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