Home Authors Angus Kidman
Angus Kidman

Angus Kidman


Angus Kidman is the international editor-at-large at Finder. He's an award-winning journalist who has reported on technology, travel, finance and other topics for over 25 years. Angus appears regularly on Sunrise, Today, The Project, Seven News and other TV and radio shows. His previous jobs include editor for Lifehacker Australia and editor-in-chief for Australian Personal Computer, and he's written for dozens of publications including Escape, the Sydney Morning Herald, Gizmodo, The Australian, the AFR, Kotaku, ZDNet and Business Insider. He won Best Consumer Technology Writer at the IT Journalism Awards in 2010 and 2012, Best Columnist at the same awards in 2014, Best Reviewer at the same awards in 2020, and was a finalist for Editor of the Year at the 2017 Mumbrella Publish Awards.


  • Frequent flyer
  • Travel
  • Technology
  • Broadband


  • Technology commentator for ABC Radio National since 2013
  • Annual Finder Innovation Awards judge for tech innovation and travel categories
  • Mumbrella Publish awards judge


  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours/First Class): Linguistics | University of New England | 1990-1993

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How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £75,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £45,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £60,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £600,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £40,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £1,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £150,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £400,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £3,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £2,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?
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