Home Authors Alexandra Hourigan
Alexandra Hourigan

Alexandra Hourigan


Alex Hourigan is Finder's social content creator and manages everything to do with FinderStyle. You'll find her written and video work featured on sites such as MTV Australia and Elite Daily. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Marketing from Macquarie University.

Latest articles by Alexandra Hourigan

0 articles written by this author

How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £75,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £75,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £45,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £45,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £60,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £60,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £600,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £600,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £40,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £40,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £1,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £1 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £150,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £150,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £400,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £400,000 business loan?

How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £3,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £3 million business loan?

How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?

Calculate your monthly payments on a £2,000,000 business loan with our easy-to-use calculator.

Emily Herring 26 July 2024
How much would I pay for a £2 million business loan?
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