Home Authors Frank Corva
Frank Corva

Frank Corva


Frank Corva is business-to-business (B2B) correspondent for Bitcoin Magazine and formerly the cryptocurrency writer and analyst for digital assets at Finder. Frank has turned his hobby of studying and writing about crypto into a career with a mission of educating the world about this burgeoning sector of finance. He worked in Ghana and Venezuela before earning a degree in applied linguistics at Teachers College, Columbia University. He taught writing and entertainment business courses in Japan and worked with UNICEF in Nambia before returning to the States to teach at universities in New York City. He spent years as a publicist and graphic designer in the music industry, working for record labels like Warner Music Group and Triple Crown Records, and he's also a former music journalist whose writing and photography has been in published in Alternative Press, Spin and other outlets.

Latest articles by Frank Corva

104 articles written by this author

Top 10 cryptocurrencies of 2024 and how to buy

Learn which cryptos make up the top 10 and what they’re used for.

Frank Corva 14 May 2024
Top 10 cryptocurrencies of 2024 and how to buy

Is it too late to buy bitcoin?

Bitcoin’s price is hitting all-time highs. Did you miss the boat?

Frank Corva 18 March 2024
Is it too late to buy bitcoin?

Bitcoin Pizza Day

What would the 10,000 BTC spent on Bitcoin Pizza Day be worth today?

Frank Corva 14 March 2024
Bitcoin Pizza Day

Bitcoin halving countdown: What does it mean for bitcoin’s price?

Bitcoin halvings usually precede a dramatic increase in Bitcoin’s price.

Frank Corva 14 February 2024
Bitcoin halving countdown: What does it mean for bitcoin’s price?

6 ways to avoid costly mistakes in a crypto bull market

Create an investment strategy and stick to it instead of trading emotionally and taking unnecessary risks.

Frank Corva 9 February 2024
6 ways to avoid costly mistakes in a crypto bull market

Roth IRA vs. 401(k): How do they compare?

Compare the key differences in investment options, contribution limits and tax advantages between Roth IRAs and 401(k)s.

Frank Corva 8 February 2024
Roth IRA vs. 401(k): How do they compare?

How to get a free credit report

You can get a free weekly credit report from AnnualCreditReport.com. Discover more ways to get a free report in this guide.

Frank Corva 12 January 2024
How to get a free credit report

Credit mix: What is it and how it affects your score

Your credit mix, or credit diversity, makes up 10% of your FICO score. See how to increase this factor to boost your credit score.

Frank Corva 12 January 2024
Credit mix: What is it and how it affects your score

How to check your credit score

See how to get your credit score, read your credit report and understand what they both mean.

Frank Corva 11 January 2024
How to check your credit score

Here’s what you need to know about the spot bitcoin ETFs

The spot bitcoin ETFs have been approved. What does this mean for bitcoin's price, and should you buy in?

Frank Corva 10 January 2024
Here’s what you need to know about the spot bitcoin ETFs
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