Press Release

For immediate release

3.7 million Brits plan to watch Game of Thrones season 7 illegally

16 July 2017- Chances are you’ll be aware that HBO’s Game of Thrones has taken the world by storm (unless you know nothing, like Jon Snow, that is). A study commissioned by, the personal finance comparison website, has found that 3.7 million Brits plan to tune in illegally to watch the heavily anticipated Season 7, set to premier on July 17, 2017.

What time can I view Season 7, Episode 1?

The first episode of Season 7 will be launching at 2am, Monday July 17, coinciding with the official US broadcast. However, for those who value a good night’s sleep over getting their GoT fix, the episode will run again at 9pm.

Illegal downloading and streaming has become a popular option for viewers looking to follow the Starks and the Lannisters in real-time. Out of 2,000 British adults surveyed, 21.2% of viewers (3,692,552) plan to tune into this season illegally, by downloading, streaming or borrowing an illegally downloaded copy from a friend.

The findings reveal, however, that the majority of fans (78.7%) are choosing to respect the Iron Throne and tune in legally, either by watching it on Sky Atlantic (37.1%), streaming it on NOW (19.2%), or watching it via SkyGo (6.9%).

15.5% of fans won’t be watching it live, but instead will purchase it for later viewing. For those taking this route, you have been warned, for the internet is dark and full of spoilers.

Under the microscope

GoT is most popular among Millennials (aged 18-34), with 61% watching it and 32% of those, watching it illegally. Generation X (aged 35-54) follows closely behind, with 37% planning to tune in, 20% of whom will do so illegally. Of the Baby Boomer generation (55+), 18% plan on watching the new season, with 11% of them getting their GoT fix through piracy.

When it comes to gender, males are ruling with an iron fist. 38.5% of men will be tuning in this season, compared to 26.2% of women. As for those watching it illegally, males (24%) are more likely than females (17%).

Regionally there are more pirates in London than anywhere else in the UK, with 1.2 million (54.7%) expected to tune in illegally, followed by those in the North East (44.4%), and Northern Ireland (40.0%).

Jon Ostler, CEO of says, “The number of people planning to illegally download the new Game of Thrones season is surprising, but it’s not a shock that it’s a much higher number than in the U.S. This high piracy rate could be a result of the price of subscription services, or could just come down to the ease and convenience of having your own copy for free.

“No matter how tempting it can be to do whatever it takes to keep up-to-date on your favourite series, piracy remains a serious offence. There are a number of services which offer GoT as soon as it comes out.”

How can I watch Game of Thrones Season 7 legally, and how much should I expect to pay?

While signing up to services like NOW or SkyGo to watch Game of Thrones might seem expensive, fans shouldn’t forget that they also have access to the library of content provided by the service for as long as they’re subscribed. There is an abundance of services, varying in content and viewing methods, that GoT followers should compare to work out the best fares.

ServiceCost to watch Game of Thrones
Sky AtlanticSky TV The Original Bundle – from £22 per month
NOWNOW Entertainment Month Pass – £7.99 per month
SkyGoSkyGo – free to Sky TV customers

Source: Sky TV, NOW

How does UK viewership compare to fans from other Kingdoms (e.g. Australia and the US)?

When it comes to viewership, Australia tops the list as most likely to watch Season 7 illegally, coming in at 30%. The UK follows them closely at 21%, while the US comes in third at 5.4%. Compared to Australia, Game of Thrones is much cheaper and more accessible across the globe, offering viewers more legal alternatives.

Ostler says, “Season 7 will last until August 27, so to catch all of it, fans will need a two month subscription. Viewers can watch GoT on Sky Atlantic, NOW, or SkyGo. Viewers should compare which provider will work best for them and take into consideration the additional TV shows and movies that come with a subscription.”

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