With Mastercard Purchase Protection, eligible items bought with your credit card may be reimbursed or repaired if they are stolen or damaged. You can get up to $1,000 per claim if your item is stolen. While this feature doesn’t cost anything extra to use, not every Mastercard credit card offers it.
Does Mastercard have purchase protection?
Mastercard offers purchase protection under the name Mastercard Purchase Assurance. This perk is typically only offered with their World and World Elite Mastercard credit cards. However, it also depends on the card provider and if their Mastercard offers this perk.
You can get coverage against theft and damage for 90 days from the date an eligible item is purchased. The amount of coverage is usually $1,000 per claim and $50,000 in total per lifetime of the account.
How to use Mastercard Purchase Assurance
This perk is automatically activated when you use your eligible Mastercard. Here’s how to use it:
- Purchase an eligible item with your World or World Elite Mastercard credit card.
- In case the item is stolen or damaged contact your card issuer (the number on the back of your card) to file a claim. A representative will provide you with the claim form.
- Submit the completed claim form and any additional documents within 90 days of the occurrence.
- Wait for claim approval or denial.
Compare Mastercard credit cards with Mastercard Purchase Assurance
Bottom line
Mastercard purchase protection, called Mastercard Purchase Assurance is a useful tool to protect expensive items, such as a new phone, laptop or designer bag, from theft and damage. Considering it doesn’t cost anything to use this perk, it makes it even more appealing.
But if you don’t find any Mastercard with this perk attractive, compare other cards with purchase protection until you find the right fit for your wallet.
Frequently asked questions about Mastercard Purchase Protection
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