Investment calculator

Use our investment calculator to see how your money could grow based on contribution frequency, rate of return and more.

Investing wisely is key to building your financial future. Understanding how your investments can grow over time is an essential part of that process.

Our investment calculator is designed to help you project the potential growth of your investments considering factors like initial investment, contributions, contribution frequency, expected rate of return, compounding frequency and time.

Input your details and get a clear picture of how your money could work for you over the years.

How to use Finder’s investment calculator

Investment calculators aid investment planning by estimating future growth and helping you set realistic goals. Using this tool, you can assess the potential returns of different investments based on contribution frequency, expected rates of return and time horizon.

Here’s how to use this investment calculator to estimate how much your investment could grow over time.

  1. Enter an initial investment. Include the initial amount you intend to invest. If that’s $500, enter $500 here.
  2. Enter additional contributions. Next, include the amount you intend to contribute regularly to your investment. If you plan to invest $500 every month, enter $500 here.
  3. Enter your contribution frequency. Choose Monthly or Annually depending on how often you plan to make contributions.
  4. Enter an expected rate of return. Include an expected rate of return based on the asset in which you plan to invest. Over the long term, average historical stock market returns have been about 7% a year after inflation. If you’re investing in bonds, enter the asset’s fixed interest rate.
  5. Enter a length of time. Now choose how long you plan to let your investment grow.
  6. Hit Calculate. See how your investment will grow over time.

Learn more about investing

Stacie Hurst's headshot
To make sure you get accurate and helpful information, this guide has been edited by Stacie Hurst as part of our fact-checking process.
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Written by

Editor, Investments

Matt Miczulski is an investments editor at Finder. With over 450 bylines, Matt dissects and reviews brokers and investing platforms to expose perks and pain points, explores investment products and concepts and covers market news, making investing more accessible and helping readers to make informed financial decisions. Before joining Finder in 2021, Matt covered everything from finance news and banking to debt and travel for FinanceBuzz. His expertise and analysis on investing and other financial topics has been featured on CBS, MSN, Best Company and Consolidated Credit, among others. Matt holds a BA in history from William Paterson University. See full bio

Matt's expertise
Matt has written 6 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Trading and investing
  • Broker and trading platform reviews
  • Money management

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