- Buy, sell and trade 185+ cryptos
- Low fees for active traders
- Advanced trading interface
Even the best exchanges sometimes stop accepting new user registrations or have downtime for maintenance. If you want to keep trading, it’s a good idea to have more than one exchange up your sleeve.
Binance has the following features:
The following exchanges are probably the closest equivalents to Binance you can find.
If none of the above has what you’re looking for, you might want to start looking in one of the places below.
Your review of the Paybis cryptocurrency exchange, including supported cryptos, fees and payment methods.
Canada-based Shakepay makes it easy to buy and sell Bitcoin and Ethereum with zero trade fees. But it’s features are limited.
VirgoCX is a regulated Canadian platform that lets you buy and sell over 75 cryptos. Learn more about its fees and features.
In our detailed review, we break down the pros and cons of using in Canada.
Kraken is a feature rich platform for Canadian crypto traders, but the fees can be a little steep. Learn more in our Kraken review.
Find out how Coinbase stacks up against the competition in our review of the platform’s fees and features.
Ndax is well-designed for Canadian crypto traders looking to buy and sell major cryptos. But there are some drawbacks.
Your guide to Canadian-based bitcoin buying service, including its fees and features and any other pros and cons new users should be aware of.
Bitbuy has a lot to offer Canadian crypto traders, but the platform has its limits. Learn more in our Bitbuy review.