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Saving for a comfortable retirement — there’s nothing particularly exciting or glamorous about it, but it’s something that should be on every Canadian’s to-do list. And that’s where a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) is a wise choice.
An RRSP is a savings plan that’s registered with the Canadian federal government. It provides tax benefits to help you save for your retirement.
There’s no minimum age requirement to open an RRSP, and you can make contributions to an RRSP up until the age of 71. The contributions are tax-deductible, so they can be used to reduce your annual income at tax time.
You also won’t pay any tax on the income you earn from the investments and savings in your RRSP until you make a withdrawal. And when you withdraw funds once you’ve retired, you’ll likely be in a lower income bracket at that time — which will again reduce your tax bill.
Although an RRSP is a “savings” plan, it’s not just used to hold cash like a regular savings account. The money you contribute to an RRSP can be used to invest in cash, GICs, stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds and more.
There’s a limit to how much you can contribute to RRSPs each year, but this amount can be rolled over to future years if you can’t make your maximum contributions right from the beginning. You can choose a managed RRSP, with investments chosen by a real-life or robo-advisor, or opt for a self-directed RRSP that you manage on your own.
When you retire, you can withdraw your savings all at once, or transfer the money to a registered retirement income fund (RRIF) or an annuity if you want a more sustainable stream of income.
There’s a limit to how much you can contribute to your RRSP each year, and your contribution limit is also known as your RRSP deduction limit. You can contribute 18% of your earned income up to the maximum amount specified by the Canada Revenue Agency each year — that maximum is $31,560 for 2024 and $32,490 for 2025. Any contribution room you don’t use can be rolled over to future years.
Your annual contribution limit remains the same no matter how many RRSPs you have. So if you have multiple RRSPs, you’ll need to keep track of all the contributions you make to avoid exceeding the annual limit. You’ll also need to remember to account for RRSP contributions from your employer as well as any contributions you make to a spousal plan.
If you exceed your contribution limit by more than $2,000, the amount you over-contribute (above this $2,000 limit) is taxed at a rate of 1% per month.
Let’s look at an example of how RRSP contribution limits work. In 2024, you contribute $20,000 to your RRSP out of a possible $31,560. As a result, the unused contribution room of $11,560 is rolled over to the following year.
The 2025 contribution limit is $32,490, so the maximum amount you can contribute in 2025 is $44,050 ($32,490 + $11,560). You can check your contribution limit on your most recent Notice of Assessment from the CRA or by logging in to your CRA online account.
Let’s look at some FAQs about RRSP withdrawals to help you understand how and when you can access your savings.
You can generally withdraw funds from an RRSP whenever you want. But unless you’re making a withdrawal to pay for your education (under the Lifelong Learning Plan) or your first home (under the Home Buyers’ Plan), early withdrawals are taxed. You’ll have to pay withholding tax of 10-30% on any amount you take out of your RRSP early.
When you turn 65, you can start making withdrawals from your RRSP without paying withholding tax. However, remember that you will still need to pay income tax on the money you withdraw.
You can make an RRSP withdrawal when you reach retirement age in one of three ways:
If you want to withdraw from your RRSP early, any withdrawal you make will be immediately subject to a withdrawal tax (also known as a “withholding tax”) proportional to how much you took out. RRSP withholding tax rates are outlined in the table below:
Amount of withdrawal | Tax rate (across Canada) | Tax rate (in Quebec) |
Up to $5,000 | 10% | 5% |
Between $5,000 and $15,000 | 20% | 10% |
Over $15,000 | 30% | 15% |
If your marginal tax rate is higher than the RRSP withholding tax rate, you can also expect to pay additional income tax at the end of the year. |
There are plans that are offered by the government that allow you to withdraw from your RRSP early without paying withdrawal tax. The HBP is one of them. Under the Home Buyers’ Plan, you can take money out of your RRSP to buy or build a first-time home for yourself or a family member with a disability. The withdrawal limit under this plan in 2024 is $60,000. You’ll have up to 15 years to repay this money back into your RRSP without being taxed.
The LLP is another plan offered by the government that allows you to withdraw money from your RRSP to pay for full-time postsecondary education for yourself or your partner. This money can’t be used to pay for your children’s schooling. In 2024, the maximum yearly withdrawal limit is set at $10,000 per year, up to a total limit of $20,000. You’ll have 10 years to repay this money back into your plan without being taxed.
There are two investment options that you can take advantage of in an RRSP: fixed-income assets and equities. Fixed-income assets are bonds, guaranteed investment certificates and cash held in an investment savings account. Examples of equity investments are publicly-traded stocks and exchange traded funds (ETFs).
The following assets and equities are RRSP eligible investments:
Fees vary depending on the provider you choose. Some charges to watch out for include:
Check the terms and conditions closely for full details of the RRSP fees you’ll need to pay.
Opening an RRSP is easy. Check out some of the most commonly asked questions and who’s eligible below.
RRSPs offer one of the best ways to save for retirement in Canada. They let you earn tax-free interest on your savings and you can take advantage of tax breaks for every dollar you invest. The main downside of these funds is that it can be difficult to access the money you save until you retire without paying hefty penalties.
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