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Madeleine Gracie

Madeleine Gracie

Consumer advocate

Madeleine Gracie is a Communications and Campaign Specialist at Finder. She completed her Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) at the University of Sydney. You can contact her at madeleine.gracie@finder.com.

Latest articles by Madeleine Gracie

7 articles written by this author

Are Canadians saving more or less during the pandemic?

In the spring lockdown of 2020, Canadian households are predicted to have saved an impressive 27.4% of their disposable income. With disposable income sitting at an average of $39,434, that left Canadians with savings of $5,816 in 2020.

Patricia Cruz & Madeleine Gracie 27 January 2021
Are Canadians saving more or less during the pandemic?

Sexually transmitted debt

New Finder research reveals nearly one in three Canadians have contracted sexually transmitted debt. So who's more at risk of taking on debt from a partner? Finder unpacks the stats.

Madeleine Gracie 22 January 2020
Sexually transmitted debt

One in five Canadians don’t know how much they’ll need to retire

Not sure how much you'll need to save for retirement? You're not alone. New Finder research reveals one in five Canadians don't know how much they'll need for retirement.

Madeleine Gracie 8 January 2020
One in five Canadians don’t know how much they’ll need to retire

Cost of convenience

New research from Finder reveals half of Canadians adults (49.92%, or 14.92 million people) spend $2,459.52 a year on conveniences like food delivery, ride-sharing and subscription boxes.

Susannah Binsted & Madeleine Gracie 30 October 2019
Cost of convenience

Finder’s Starbucks Index 2019

Ever wondered how much a Starbucks tall latte costs around the world? And what does that say about the value of currency? Finder's Starbucks Index 2019 delves into the data to find out.

Susannah Binsted & Madeleine Gracie 26 September 2019
Finder’s Starbucks Index 2019

Personal loans statistics

From the frivolous big ticket items such as weddings and holidays, to more practical expenses, like higher education and mortgages, Finder surveyed 1,200 Canadian adults to find that 65.33%, or 19.52 million, Canadians have taken out a personal loan.

Madeleine Gracie 23 April 2019
Personal loans statistics

Cost of city living

How much can we really save by escaping the city? Finder calculates the price difference between a city and a suburban home in 92 countries.

Madeleine Gracie 15 March 2019
Cost of city living
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