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Cost of convenience

Canadians spend an estimated $36.68 billion on convenience services a year.

Foodora on a Thursday night. An Uber home on a Saturday. Totally worth the cash to save you the time and hassle, right? But those little expenses add up to one big bill, with Canadian adults forking out a combined $36.68 billion on conveniences each year, according to the latest data from Finder.

Our survey reveals around half of Canadian adults (49.92%, or 14.92 million people) spend $2,459.52 a year on conveniences such as food delivery, ride-sharing and subscription boxes.

Generation Z spend big

Overall, the younger you are, the more likely you are to use convenience services. A whopping 80% of generation Z spends an average of $259.49 on convenience services every month, or $3,113.88 a year. However, over a third of those aged 65+ also report using convenience services (34.85%), so it’s not just an indulgence of youth. The biggest spenders? According to our survey, 35-44 year olds spend the most on convenience services, at $268.02 a month on average.

Food delivery the top convenience services

The way to a Canadian’s wallet is through their stomach. Food delivery is the most popular convenience service, with almost a third of Canadian adults (31.25%) reporting food delivery use. The average spend of those using food delivery is $80.67 on average every month, almost $1,000 a year ($968.04). Generation Z is the most likely to use food delivery services, with 70.21% spending an average of $78.92 a month. Around half of those aged 25-34 and those aged 35-44 reported spending an average of $74.25 and $88.14, respectively. Those aged 65+ are the demographic least likely to report using food delivery services (10.23%).

Dishes need washing? There’s an app for that

The second most popular category is home services. Over a quarter of Canadians (26.33%) spend just under $100 a month on average on some type of home service – amounting to $1,194.96 over the year. The biggest culprits are people aged 35-44, possibly because they’re more likely to lead busy working lives, meaning the cost is worth freeing up some time. This type of convenience spending is also particularly popular for those aged 65+ with 27.27% spending on home convenience services, compared to the next most popular category (food delivery) where only 10.23% of those aged 65+ reported spend.

Going for a ride without having to drive

Just under a quarter of Canadians reported spending on car services (24.33%), such as Uber, with an average monthly spend of $88.29. Unsurprisingly, generation Z is most likely to use a car or ridesharing service (53.19%), followed by 25-34 year olds (43.98%) and 35-44 year olds (36.49%). Those 65+ who use car services (just 7.20%) spend the most at $125.82 on average. 35-44 and 45-55 year olds spend the second biggest amount – just under $100 on average.

Subscription addiction

One of the great perks of subscription services is their ability to inject newness into your life – whether it’s your pantry or your beauty drawer, they’re bound to surprise and delight. Just 15.58% of Canadians say they spend on subscription boxes, but they spend a fair bit per pop. On average, those who subscribe fork out $86.48 per month, which amounts to just under $1,000 per year. Again generation Z is most likely to subscribe away their funds (34.04%) and they’re also one of the biggest spenders, with an average spend of $114.41 (well above the national average).

We’re even too lazy to walk our dog

They say a dog is a man’s best friend, but while your furry friend is good for your wellbeing, he might not be so great for your wallet. Canadians are spending an average of $86.02 per month on convenient services for their pets, or an annual spend of $1,032.24. This included things such as dog walking and grooming. Generation Z again took the cake as the most likely to use this convenience service – with 34.04% of young people spending their hard-earned dough on their favourite dog. But despite being the most likely generation to indulge in pet convenience services, they’re not actually spending the most. That award goes to people aged 65+. Just 7.20% of boomers admit to using pet convenience services, but those that do have an average spend of $142.76 per month. That’s $1,713.12 over the course of the year!

Cutting costs

The good news is that there are ways to save cash when paying for convenience. Using the right credit card means you could get cashback on your purchases or earn rewards points. Just make sure you’re paying off your credit card balance every month. Companies will also sometimes offer deals and discounts to win new customers so make sure to check if there are any current offers for the services you’re using.


Survey data is from a survey of 1,200 Canadian adults commissioned by Finder and conducted by OnePoll in March 2019.

Susannah Binsted's headshot
Consumer advocate

Susannah Binsted is the international PR manager at Finder. Susannah has a Bachelor of Communication and a Bachelor of International Studies from the University of Technology Sydney. See full bio

Madeleine Gracie's headshot
Co-written by

Consumer advocate

Madeleine Gracie is a Communications and Campaign Specialist at Finder. She completed her Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) at the University of Sydney. You can contact her at See full bio

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