35 small business grants in Canada

Explore small business grants in Canada to find free funding for your business.

Where to get small business grants in Canada

Small business grants are one of the few financing options you don’t have to pay back. However, there’s a reason that businesses turn to other types of financing first. Grants can take a long time to find and are even harder to apply for—plus, the competition is fierce.

To help make it easier to find funding, check out our guide to some of the top small business grants in Canada.

Nationwide small business grants

Canada Summer Jobs

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Public and private sector employers can get funding for up to 50% of the minimum hourly wage.
  • How it works: The Canada Summer Jobs program provides a wage subsidy to help employers provide summer jobs for Canadians aged 15 to 30.
  • Eligibility requirements: Grant is available to private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees. Also available to non-profit and public sector organizations. Project must provide between six and 16 weeks of full-time work experience during a specified period.
  • Application deadline: Deadline typically in December.

CanExport Innovation

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Up to $75,000.
  • How it works: This federal government program provides funding to help cover research and development costs for technology. It covers up to 75% of expenses associated with organizing and signing research and development agreements with international partners.
  • Eligibility requirements: Canadian SMEs, academic institutions and non-government research centres. Must also have the intellectual property rights for the organization’s technology, must have a prototype (Technology Readiness Level 4 or higher) and must intend to commercially launch the technology within five years.
  • Application deadline: Not yet specified—awaiting reopening of program in 2025.

Export Development Stream—Creative Export Canada

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Up to $90,000 per fiscal year.
  • How it works: This stream offers grants and contributions to help new exporters increase their capacity and expand into international markets and to help existing exporters build networks and target new international markets.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must be Canadian-owned and controlled
    • Be a for-profit company or not-for-profit organization
    • Must have a maximum of $10 million in annual revenues
    • Must have at least one full-time employee
  • Application deadline: Next deadline to be announced in winter 2025.

Export Ready Stream—Creative Export Canada

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Up to $2.5 million.
  • How it works: This stream provides contributions to support export-ready projects. It’s designed to help creative industries increase the profitability of their exports.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must be Canadian-owned and controlled
    • Be a for-profit company or not-for-profit organization
    • Must have a maximum of $500 million in annual revenues
    • Must have at least one full-time employee
  • Application deadline: Next deadline to be announced in winter 2025.

Industrial Research Assistance Program

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Up to $10 million.
  • How it works: This National Research Council program provides funding for small and medium businesses to help improve innovation capacity and take ideas to market. It also provides funding to help cover the cost of hiring young graduates.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must be an incorporated small or medium-sized business in Canada
    • Must have 500 or fewer full-time employees
    • Must plan to develop and commercialize innovative, technology-driven products, services or processes
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Innovative Solutions Canada

  • Province: All
  • How much you can get: Varies.
  • How it works: Challenge Stream provides funding for small and medium businesses to develop innovations and prototypes that can solve challenges faced by government organizations. The Testing Stream provides funding to test those innovations in real-world settings.
  • Eligibility requirements: For-profit Canadian incorporations with fewer than 500 employees.
  • Application deadline: No open funding opportunities at time of writing.

Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen)

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Funding amounts vary depending on the program.
  • How it works: NGen is a non-profit organization that leads Canada’s Global Innovation Cluster for Advanced Manufacturing. It provides funding through a range of programs that support the use of technology in advanced manufacturing.
  • Eligibility requirements: Vary.
  • Application deadline: No open funding opportunities available at the time of writing.

Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Up to 50% of eligible costs for project budgets of at least $20 million.
  • How it works: This Canadian Government program provides funding to the industrial and technology sectors. Repayable and non-repayable contributions are offered to help promote investment into innovative projects that help grow the Canadian economy.
  • Eligibility requirements: Canadian businesses and non-profit organizations that demonstrate the potential for high growth and the ability to drive innovation.
  • Application deadline: Varies depending on the application stream.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

  • Province: All.
  • How much you can get: Varies.
  • How it works: The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a joint initiative of federal, provincial and territorial governments to support the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. It offers multiple federally funded programs as well as cost-sharing programs between the federal and provincial/territorial governments.
  • Eligibility requirements: Varies depending on the program.
  • Application deadline: Varies.

Small business grants in Alberta

Alberta Export Expansion Program

  • Province: Alberta.
  • How much you can get:
    • Per diems: $400 per day for the first traveller, $200 per day for the second traveller.
    • Event registrations: 50% of event registration fees, up to $1,000 per organization.
  • How it works: This program supports businesses that promote Alberta exports through international travel to trade events. Funding is provided on a first come, first served basis.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must have been operating and had a permanent physical presence in Alberta for at least one year.
    • Must have at least one full-time employee working in Alberta.
    • Must have sent Alberta-based travellers to an international trade or export event in another country.
  • Application deadline: Must apply no later than two months after the first day of participation in a formal event.

Alberta Innovation Employment Grant

  • Province: Alberta.
  • How much you can get: Up to 20% of qualifying R&D expenses.
  • How it works: This provincial government grant is designed to support SMEs that invest in research and development. There’s no formal application process, but corporations can claim the grant when filing their annual tax returns.
  • Eligibility requirements: Corporations that undertake R&D in Alberta and have less than $50 million in taxable capital.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Canada-Alberta Job Grant

  • Province: Alberta.
  • How much you can get: For existing employees, the federal government will contribute two-thirds of training costs, up to $10,000 per employee per fiscal year. Up to 100% of training costs are covered for unemployed people up to $15,000 per year.
  • How it works: This training program allows employers to apply for grants to cover training costs for current and future employees.
  • Eligibility requirements: Training must be at least 21 instructional hours, result in a credential, start within six months and be completed within 52 weeks of the course start date.
  • Application deadline: Applications closed until March 31, 2025.

Small business grants in British Columbia

British Columbia Employer Training Grant

  • Province: BC.
  • How much you can get: 80% of the cost of training up to $10,000 per employee.
  • How it works: This grant provides funding to help you cover the cost of training employees, including prospective new employees.
  • Eligibility requirements: If the grant is for an existing employee, training must result in increased job security or a better job. If for an unemployed person, training must result in a job. Training cannot be longer than 52 weeks.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Small business grants in Manitoba

Export Development Program

  • Province: Manitoba.
  • How much you can get: Up to 50% of eligible expenses.
  • How it works: Designed to support business exports, this program provides financial assistance to Manitoba companies to help them participate in trade shows or trade missions outside of Manitoba.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must be a Manitoba for-profit SME that produces an exportable product or service.
    • Must have annual revenue of $100,000 to $50 million.
    • Must have more than half of your workforce residing in Manitoba.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Incoming Buyer Program

  • Province: Manitoba.
  • How much you can get: The lesser of $2,000 or 50% of eligible costs.
  • How it works: This Manitoba small business grant provides financial assistance to help companies cover the cost of inviting a qualified international buyer to the province.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must be a Manitoba for-profit SME that produces an exportable product or service.
    • Must have annual revenue of $100,000 to $50 million.
    • Must have more than half of your workforce residing in Manitoba.
    • Must be covering the cost of an international for-profit buyer’s first visit to Manitoba related to your business.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Innovation Growth Program

  • Province: Manitoba.
  • How much you can get: Up to $100,000 per project.
  • How it works: This program provides non-repayable grants designed to help SMEs commercialize new innovative products and processes.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must have fewer than 100 full-time employees or annual revenue of $15 million or less.
    • Must be permanently established in Manitoba and pay at least 50% of total salaries and wages to Manitoba resident employees.
    • Must have $25,000 of owner cash equity investment in the business.
    • Eligible expenses must be cost-shared on a 50/50 basis.
  • Application deadline: 2025 deadline not yet announced.

Small business grants in New Brunswick

Student Employment Experience Development (SEED)

  • Province: New Brunswick.
  • How much you can get: 100% of minimum wage for 35 hours a week for up to 12 weeks for non-profits and First Nations communities. 50% for municipalities.
  • How it works: This New Brunswick small business grant provides a wage subsidy to non-profit organizations, First Nations communities and municipalities, so they can offer summer jobs to students.
  • Eligibility requirements: Student must not be an immediate family member of the employer. Student must either (1) be a high school student entering grade 10, 11 or 12 in September 2025 or (2) be a full-time grade 12, university or college student in the 2024-25 academic year and attending a post-secondary institution full-time in the fall of 2025.
  • Application deadline: February 7, 2025.

Small business grants in Newfoundland and Labrador

Regional Development Fund

  • Province: Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • How much you can get: Up to 25% of eligible costs.
  • How it works: This grant provides funding for economic initiatives that promote regional and sectoral development, diversification, innovation and key emerging sectors.
  • Eligibility requirements: Your business will typically have to contribute at least 10% of the total project cost.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Small business grants in Nova Scotia

Business ACCESS-Ability Grant Program

  • Province: Nova Scotia
  • How much you can get: Up to two-thirds of the cost of accessibility improvements, up to $50,000.
  • How it works: The Business ACCESS-Ability program provides grants to fund accessibility-related improvements to help people with disabilities.
  • Eligibility requirements: Examples of eligible improvements include ramps, accessible bathrooms and parking, accessible signage and transportation.
  • Application deadline: February 14, 2025

Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI)

  • Province: Nova Scotia
  • How much you can get: Businesses with 50 or fewer employees can apply for a minimum of $5,000 in direct training costs and up to $100,000 per fiscal year.
  • How it works: WIPSI provides funding to help cover the cost of training full-time employees to improve your business’ productivity and innovation. It mainly funds direct training costs but can also cover up to 50% of travel costs and up to 100% of accommodation costs for people with disabilities.
  • Eligibility requirements: Business must be located in Nova Scotia, have been operating for at least one calendar year and generate at least 30% of its revenue from commercial activity.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Small business grants in Ontario

Canada-Ontario Job Grant

  • Province: Ontario.
  • How much you can get: Up to $10,000 per person.
  • How it works: This funding program provides financial assistance to help cover the cost of training existing and new employees.
  • Eligibility requirements: Your business must have current or potential employees who need to be trained to fill current or future positions. Training must be delivered by a third-party provider.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Eastern Ontario Development Fund

  • Province: Ontario.
  • How much you can get: For business projects, you can get up to 15% of eligible project costs up to a maximum of $500,000 if your company has fewer than 100 employees and is based in rural Ontario. You can get up to $1.5 million for strategic projects that are foreign direct investments or from companies competing against other jurisdictions.
  • How it works: This fund is designed to support business and community economic development projects in eastern Ontario. It provides grants and loans to help companies grow their business, improve productivity, invest in innovation and more.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must have at least three years of operations/financial statements
    • Must employ at least 10 people (or five if you are in rural Ontario)
    • Must commit to creating at least five new jobs (or 30% increase for companies with fewer than 15 employees)
    • Must invest at least $500,000 in your project (or $200,000 for companies based in rural Ontario)
    • Must be located in eastern Ontario (or plan to be located there)
  • Application deadline: January 28, 2025 (Application period 18)

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund

  • Province: Ontario.
  • How much you can get: For business projects, you can get up to 15% of eligible project costs, up to a maximum of $500,000 if your company has fewer than 100 employees and is based in rural Ontario. You can get up to $1.5 million for strategic projects that are foreign direct investments or from companies competing against other jurisdictions.
  • How it works: This fund supports business and community economic development projects in southwestern Ontario. It provides grants and loans to help companies grow their business, improve productivity, invest in innovation and more.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Must have at least three years of operations/financial statements
    • Must employ at least 10 people (or five if you are in rural Ontario)
    • Must commit to creating at least five new jobs (or 30% increase for companies with fewer than 15 employees)
    • Must invest at least $500,000 in your project (or $200,000 for companies based in rural Ontario)
    • Must be located in southwestern Ontario (or plan to be located there)
  • Application deadline: January 28, 2025 (Application period 18)

Starter Company Plus

  • Province: Ontario.
  • How much you can get: Up to $5,000.
  • How it works: This Ontario small business grant provides financial assistance to help you start, expand or buy a company.
  • Eligibility requirements: You must be 18 years of age or older, not attending school full-time, an Ontario resident and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. You must also contribute at least 25% of the grant amount in cash or in kind.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Summer Company

  • Province: Ontario.
  • How much you can get: Up to $3,000 (up to $1,500 upfront and up to $1,500 in additional funding when you complete the program requirements).
  • How it works: This provincial program provides start-up money to help students run a summer business.
  • Eligibility requirements: You must:
    • Go to high school, college or university
    • Live in Ontario
    • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
    • Be between 15-29 years old
    • Not be running a business already
    • Not be working at another job or going to school for more than 12 hours a week during the program
    • Be returning to school after the program ends
  • Application deadline: May 17, 2025

Small business grants in Prince Edward Island

Capital Acquisition Assistance

  • Province: Prince Edward Island.
  • How much you can get: Up to 25% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $25,000.
  • How it works: This grant provides financial support for businesses to invest in technology, equipment and infrastructure needed to aid growth.
  • Eligibility requirements: Your business must operate in an eligible industry and manufacture, process or develop goods or services primarily for export. Examples of eligible costs include renovations or leasehold improvements and machinery/equipment.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Employ PEI

  • Province: Prince Edward Island.
  • How much you can get: Up to 50% of an employee’s wages (up to $12.50 per hour) for up to 20 weeks.
  • How it works: This program provides a wage subsidy to help businesses provide on-the-job training for a new employee.
  • Eligibility requirements: Employee must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, out of high school for at least two years, unemployed and looking for full-time work.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Export Trade Assistance

  • Province: Prince Edward Island.
  • How much you can get: Up to 40% of travel costs, up to 40% of virtual trade costs (up to $3,000) and up to 75% of incoming buyer costs (up to $3,000).
  • How it works: This PEI small business grant is designed to help exporters and companies that are ready to start exporting explore global markets. It helps cover travel costs, virtual trade activity and the cost of bringing buyers to the province.
  • Eligibility requirements: Your business must export products or services that it manufactures, processes or develops primarily for export. Your business must also operate in an eligible industry.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Innovation Fund

  • Province: Prince Edward Island.
  • How much you can get: Up to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $50,000.
  • How it works: This financial program helps businesses bring new products to market by helping cover the costs of refining and commercializing that product.
  • Eligibility requirements: Your business must operate in an eligible industry and export products or services that it manufactures, processes or develops. The product must be at a Technology Readiness Level 6, 7, 8 or 9 or equivalent, have potential for export market uptake and have a high probability of successful commercialization.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Marketing Assistance

  • Province: Prince Edward Island.
  • How much you can get: Up to 40% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $16,000.
  • How it works: This small business grant provides financial assistance for marketing costs associated with exporting plans and activities.
  • Eligibility requirements: Your business must manufacture, process or develop goods or services primarily for export and operate in an eligible industry.
  • Application deadline: Ongoing.

Small Business Investment Grant

  • Province: Prince Edward Island.
  • How much you can get: 15% of eligible costs up to $3,750.
  • How it works: The PEI Small Business Investment Grant provides financial support to cover the purchase of eligible capital asset costs.
  • Eligibility requirements: Examples of eligible costs include equipment, leasehold improvements/building construction, technology upgrades and energy-efficient upgrades.
  • Application deadline: March 31, 2025.

Small business grants in Quebec

Marketing and Export Support Program

  • Province: Quebec.
  • How much you can get: Up to 50% of eligible expenses up to $250,000 per year to help SMEs market their products in Quebec. Up to $100,000 available to help SMEs increase their export capacity.
  • How it works: This program is designed to improve the capacity of SMEs to market their products and services in Quebec and increase their export capacity. Financial assistance is also available to help large companies.
  • Eligibility requirements: Sales criteria vary depending on the funding stream.
  • Application deadline: Program suspended at the time of writing.

Small business grants in Saskatchewan

Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant

  • Province: Saskatchewan.
  • How much you can get: Two-thirds of training costs up to $10,000 per trainee.
  • How it works: This grant is designed to help cover the cost of training new or existing employees to fill available jobs in your business.
  • Eligibility requirements: Training must be delivered by a third party, be at least 24 hours long, be completed within 52 weeks and result in a credential.
  • Application deadline: Closed for applications until April 1, 2025.

Saskatchewan Advantage Innovation Fund

  • Province: Saskatchewan.
  • How much you can get: Up to 30% of the project’s budget up to a maximum of $450,000.
  • How it works: This Innovation Saskatchewan program funds research and development to support the commercialization of game-changing technological innovations in the mining, energy, healthcare and manufacturing and processing sectors.
  • Eligibility requirements:
    • Proposed by a group of active private sector partners that represent the project’s value chain.
    • Project must be led by a Saskatchewan-based organization.
    • Project must feature novel and innovative technological solutions.
    • Industry partners must provide at least 50% of the project’s budget.
  • Application deadline: Two deadlines for EOIs per year.
    • Intake period 1: April 30, 2025.
    • Intake period 2: September 30, 2025.

Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership’s Market Access Program

  • Province: Saskatchewan.
  • How much you can get: Up to $8,000 per fiscal year for regular STEP members or up to $10,000 for Premium members.
  • How it works: This program supports the marketing efforts of companies that are entering new markets or returning to a new market outside Saskatchewan.
  • Eligibility requirements: Must be a STEP member. Funds are provided to help cover the cost of exhibiting in trade shows and participating in STEP-led trade activities. Premium members can also get funding for things like attending trade shows, business meetings and conferences.
  • Application deadline: No later than 45 days prior to the proposed visit.

Finding small business grants in Canada

This guide provides a small snapshot of small business grants in Canada. There are hundreds of funding opportunities available across the country, and many of them target specific industries or regions.

To find out what small business grants your company may be eligible for, use the Government of Canada’s Business Benefits Finder. By answering questions about your business and the type of financial assistance you need, you’ll be able to view a list of grants that may suit your business.

Is my business eligible for a grant?

Standard small business grants don’t operate like business loans in terms of eligibility requirements, and qualifications for grants and loans can widely vary.

When you apply for grants, you aren’t just convincing donors to give you funding—you’re convincing them to give you funding over everyone else who has applied. That’s one of the big differences between business loans and grants.

Grants tend to have a larger social cause in mind, such as encouraging female entrepreneurs, increasing opportunities for minorities or helping out a particular community. You can also find grants designed to support the growth and development of specific industries or regions.

Bottom line

Finding free funding for your business isn’t impossible, but the competition can be stiff, with many companies vying for the same grant. Make sure you’re ready to invest a lot of time and resources into researching and applying. You might also have to wait a long time to hear back about whether your application was successful. Keep in mind that, in Canada, some business grants may require you to put up money of your own to secure funding.

Remember, there are other options for securing funds for your business, such as loans and government financing programs like the Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBF).

Didn’t get the grant? Compare small business loans instead

If your business doesn’t qualify for any grants or you’re having trouble securing one you may want to consider getting a business loan. The obvious downside of a loan is that you have to pay back the money plus interest, but the advantage is that loans can be much easier to apply for and receive.

If you’re considering applying for a business loan, look through your options in our guide to business loans.

Frequently asked questions

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To make sure you get accurate and helpful information, this guide has been edited by Leanne Escobal as part of our fact-checking process.
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Tim Falk is a freelance writer for Finder. Over the course of his 15-year writing career, he has reported on a wide range of personal finance topics. Whether you're investing in stocks and ETFs, comparing savings accounts or choosing a credit card, Tim wants to make it easier for you to understand. When he’s not staring at his computer, you can usually find him exploring the great outdoors. See full bio

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