With our calculators, you can estimate how much you’re able to borrow for a home loan, calculate how much interest your money will attract in a savings account and compare different personal loan options.
These calculators are free and easy to use. All you need to do is put in a few numbers to generate a figure that could help you make the right financial decision.
Please note that these calculators and tools provide estimates for your general information. The success of your application cannot be guaranteed and do not represent quotes.
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Search our financial calculators
Category | Calculator | Description |
Banking | See how your hard-earned money can grow over time through the power of compound interest. | |
Car loans | See how much you can save in monthly repayments and interest by refinancing your car loan with a new lender. | |
Car loans | Not sure if a car lease is worth it? Calculate the total cost to see how much you might pay. | |
Car loans | Calculate your monthly auto loan payments based on the loan amount, interest rate and term length. | |
Credit cards | Find out how much you could save by transferring your existing balance to a new credit card. | |
Credit score | Find out if you need to adjust your credit usage by comparing your loan amount to your income. | |
Cryptocurrency | Find out how much your Ether is worth in smaller denominations and its value in US dollars. | |
Cryptocurrency | Satoshi is the smallest denomination of Bitcoin. Find out how much your Satoshi is worth in Bitcoin and vice versa. | |
Personal loans | Find out if you can afford monthly repayments on a personal loan. | |
Personal loans | Find out how much you might be eligible to borrow based on your income and expenses. |
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