Home Authors Jeremy Cabral
Jeremy Cabral

Jeremy Cabral


Jeremy is finder's Global Head of Publishing & Editorial. Jeremy has been with finder since the very beginning and is part of the founding team working closely with Fred and Frank to build finder.com into the comparison network it is today.

Latest articles by Jeremy Cabral

4 articles written by this author

Credit repair in Canada

If you have any bad marks on your credit report, you might be wondering about credit repair, a process that can remove negative listings. Find out exactly what the process involves in this guide.

Jeremy Cabral 4 June 2020
Credit repair in Canada

How to handle pre-authorized payments on your credit card

A complete guide to managing pre-authorized payments on your credit card account.

Jeremy Cabral 17 December 2018
How to handle pre-authorized payments on your credit card

Interest-free credit cards

Discover credit cards that charge 0% interest and learn how to compare your options.

Jeremy Cabral 12 October 2018
Interest-free credit cards

Best low-interest credit cards

Low interest rate credit cards offer long-lasting low interest rates on purchases. Read our guide to learn how low interest rate credit cards work, and how to choose the best card for you.

Jeremy Cabral 15 April 2018
Best low-interest credit cards
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